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Keeping R&S Civil

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AB Editor | 14:36 Fri 14th Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
177 Answers

We've noticed it's got a bit "rough" in here recently.

We'd like this section to be accessible to all without fear of being "ambushed" by members who simply disagree with them.

Please remember calling someone an idiot (or similar) is very unlikely to aid the changing of their perspective.

We're not asking you to change what you say - we're asking you to change the way you say it.

In other news: we now have a small "welcome box" between the "enter a question" box and the questions below. Suggestions welcome for things we could pop in there.

All the best,



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// We've noticed it's got a bit "rough" in here recently. //

Just report anything you object to. That's what the button's there for.
AB Editor // "get your magic books out of public schools"
It's stuff like this which annoys people and doesn't contribute to your point.//

Seems an accurate assessment of the situation. Religious books are full of myths about magical events and instructions on how to perform mystical rituals. This nonsense is taught in schools.

Certainly the religious find criticism annoying because it confronts their notions of the sanctity of their unquestionable beliefs.

Which bit doesn't contribute to the debate?
As has already been said, the problem is that some (but by no means all) religious people take offence whenever they perceive that their theological world-view is being questioned. There are some religious members of AB who are articulate and argue their case with aplomb. However, as in life, there seems to be far more to whom a reasoned argument is anathema.

I'm all in favour of more civility both in life and on AB. Some may say that I'm sometimes guilty of throwing around the odd insult or two. That may be true. If I do so, I do so in sheer exasperation at debating with people who fail to see that quoting religious scripture to atheists or threatening them with the torments of hell is about as effective as a cat-flap in an elephant house.
Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, or an elephant through a cat flap than it is for some numbered among the Godless to accept that we, the believers, only have their best interests at heart.
lol Sandy.
Sandy, that is very touching and I do appreciate the sentiment, however unless you can intercede directly with satan, we godless are all destined to rendezvous with him at the termination of our allotted span. I tremble at the thought even as I type this. :-)
There's really no need to quiver, Jom. I think it unlikely that any of the Godless who frequent R&S will ever eventually shake hands with the devil. Good people don't necessarily need to tell their beads every day, or know the Koran by heart, to find a place in heaven.
If they could just be as good as they can while here in this valley of tears they will be in for a pleasant surprise some day.
I thought the Lord our God was a vengeful God?
You'd need to be praying on the Ravenhill Road to meet a vengeful god. ;-)
lol, duncer, if that's your view of God, then your God is indeed a vengeful God.

There are loads of people of various faiths that see their God or Goddess as being loving, and accept that as humans we are just not capable of seeing the full picture. Which is probably where some of the born again atheists get a bit muddled as they seem to think that all religions are to be taken literally by their adherents.
For those not familiar with the sectarian map of Belfast, the Ravenhill Rd is where the church of the Rev Ian Paisley is located
That's very comforting Sandy, I wouldn't have known that if you hadn't read the bible for me. Thankyou. :-) Memo to self, burn all regious books in the house as they are no longer necessary.
^^ Ah but ((sandy)), a priest advised Voltaire on his death bed to renounce the devil.

Replied Voltaire, "This is no time to make new enemies." ;)
I sometimes find it galling that the Godless have the best of all possible worlds. I think they can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, within reason, and still go to heaven.
In contrast, I live a life of prayer, fasting, and abstinence from strong drink, in order to increase my chances of getting there.
yeah, right.
I'm disappointed to learn Ravenshill Road is still on the go sandy, I was hoping that the Dr M Kalibu you discovered a while back might have put the good Rev Paisley out of business by now.

One for the long haul perhaps?
Dr Kalibu seems to be marshalling allies judging by this recent post in Gumtree.

I can see a day coming when armageddon is fought out on the road of the ravens. On one side a frail old man who has not now the strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, and on the other these upstart magicians.
:-D sandy, that'll be a scrap you could sell tickets for
Just followed your link, Sandy. Not only can the prof sort out your love life with a wave of his wand, but there's also an option to win free laser eye surgery! You can't go wrong.

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