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NoMercy | 08:55 Thu 12th Jul 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers
Do you think it's as dangerous and malevolent as the media report?


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That one works em , scary !!!!! They are worse than the Gestapo and CIA combined !
Every generation has had its share of “false teacher.” So their mere existence today does not prove that we are living in the time of the end of this system of things. But the rapid increase in their number and in the number of persons they are misleading, along with the fulfillment of all the other things Jesus foretold for our day, does! Never before have so many religious leaders, political rulers and atheism,counselors striven to give people guidance. And never before have so many people been misled.

Jesus foretold exactly what you are seeing today: manifold evidences, including that of “many false prophets,” that the end of this wicked system of things is indeed near. (Matt. 24:34) But he also said -And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”—Matt. 24:14.
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Come on goodlife, if you know the answer(to my earlier question) tell us, if not admit it.
Mike1111 and Katiekonker -

Sad. Really sad. I would suggest that the pair of you do some research before you make such pathetically ill-informed and insulting statements. Are either of you aware that practising Scientology is illegal in several countries?


Here are some choice quotes about this 'religion':

"Scientology is evil; its techniques are evil; its practice is a serious threat to the community, medically, morally, and socially; and its adherents are sadly deluded and often mentally ill... (Scientology is) the world's largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental therapy." [Justice Anderson, Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia]

"The government is satisfied that Scientology is socially harmful. It alienates members of families from each other and attributes squalid and disgraceful motives to all who oppose it; its authoritarian principles and practice are a potential menace to the personality and well being of those so deluded as to become followers; above all, its methods can be a serious danger to the health of those who submit to them... There is no power under existing law to prohibit the practice of Scientology; but the government has concluded that it is so objectionable that it would be right to take all steps within its power to curb its growth." [Kenneth Robinson, British Minister of Health]

"Scientology is both immoral and socially obnoxious...It is corrupt sinister and dangerous. It is corrupt because it is based on lies and deceit and has its real objective money and power for Mr. Hubbard... It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestionably and to those who criticize it or oppose it. It is dangerous because it is out to capture people and to indoctrinate and brainwash them so they become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult, withdrawn from ordinary thought, living, and relationships with others." [Justice Latey, ruling in the High Court of London]

Absolutely hilarious isn't it Mike? Well deserving of a 'LOL' eh?
Mike - Here are a few more things for you to laugh at...
Scientology is NOT fake! its all true!

you shoudl all be ashamed of yourselves! one day you will regret not letting scitentology into your hearts! it is the only way! ...

pfffff pah hahahahahaa waaahaah... sorry, i couldnt keep a straight face ...!
Mike -

Just so you are aware – I'm not rubbishing Scientology simply because I am an atheist. I am deeply concerned about this organisation's practices for far more personal reasons.

A few years ago, a friend of mine who was very depressed due to the breakdown of his marriage got into Scientology. They promised him that they could take away his pain and make him feel wonderful. As he was at such a low ebb in his life, he was willing to grasp at any straw that was offered to him. Initially he was pleased with his new 'religion' and made lots of new friends. I lost contact with him for some time; as did all his other old friends. He effectively disappeared for about two years. Then, out of the blue, he contacted me again – he'd left the Church Of Scientology – not because he'd fallen out with the organisation but because he had no more money left for auditing and training. The Scientologists had bled him dry. He had used every last penny of his savings and he could no longer afford their fees.

When they realised he had no more money, they tried to distance themselves from him and that is what made him realise that they were really only after his cash. They took him to the brink of personal bankruptcy before he realised what was going on. Thankfully, he's now back on his financial feet but he still finds it hard to talk about his experiences. He has opened up to me on occasion and the one thing he mentions is that he feels that he was 'brain-washed' and conned.

LOL eh?
They haven't got charitable status here, yet historically in law religions have been regarded as charitable. The reason why not is that this 'religion' is the only one which requires its adherents to pay ever greater sums in order to reach the next level of understanding or faith or grace, call it what you will. It makes the old Roman Catholic Church and its activities in selling indulgences look completely amateur!

France has an uncharitable view. French courts have convicted this 'church' and some of its officials of fraud, initially at the instigation of an acolyte who, justifiably, thought she had been duped.

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