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When Does An 'Ordinary' Muslim Become An Extremist?

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naomi24 | 10:31 Tue 23rd Jan 2024 | Society & Culture
520 Answers

We're often told that there is a difference between 'ordinary' Muslims and extremists, so ignoring those who call for violence and Islamic domination as they march in support of Palestine, but thinking only of the Muslim school children and their parents and supporters who are making news by intimidating students into adopting the hijab, to observe Islamic fasting rituals, and to withdraw from some school activities because they are considered 'haram';   the student who is battling her school in court (at the taxpayers' expense) for the 'right' to pray during school hours, the protestors outside schools, causing one to close early in order to protect staff and pupils, and those who are threatening teachers to the extent that they fear travelling on public transport, one of whom is still, after a very long time, in hiding.   The people who are responsible for all of this carry on their regular everyday lives living among us.  Are they 'ordinary' Muslims - or are they extremists? 



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Doug has made it into a comedy show!

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Andy Hughes, I don't know everything either and never claimed to.  That's why, rather than argue about things of which I'm ignorant, I prefer to listen and learn.  

Seriously though, that depends on who you listen and learn from though.  

countrylover - // Seriously though, that depends on who you listen and learn from though. //

And, in naomi's case, and khandro's since they seem to be operating as a couple lately. what you actually learn, as opposed to simply re-enforcing your existing opinions, and carefully sidestepping anything that doesn't agree with your preconceptions.

That attitude tends to give you a very high horse to sit on, as we see here, constantly.

countrylover - It's about this time in a discussion when naomi either advises that she 'can't be bothered anymore ... ' or simply disappears from the thread altogether.

Her soulmate khandro acts in a similar fashion, I am not holding my breath for a response to my short question - he struggles with anything longer, so I guess this might be the end of this thread.

Still - heading for four hundred is not bad for a thread that was supposedly 'trashed' a few days ago!!

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Despite all the ill-informed waffle and all the rudeness I don't think anyone has actually answered the question.

naomi - // Despite all the ill-informed waffle and all the rudeness I don't think anyone has actually answered the question. //

Don't be so hard on yourself, it's just the way you deal with anwers when you are bested in an argument.

As for answering your question - unfdortunately, you have a habit of simply ignoring or forgetting a response that does answer your question.

I posted this last Thursday - fifteen posts in.


Naomi - // I know you to be an experienced and intelligent debater, so this approach surprises me.

You are as much a student of human nature as anyone on here, and you know better than to think that a simple guidelines exists where someone crosses from being 'one thing' into being 'another thing'.

That is simply not how people are, and you know that, which is why this OP is not really going to get anywhere.

There is no 'line' where you can say without fear or favour that this or that set of behaviours mean that someone has crossed over from being 'Type A' to now being 'Type B'.

The inference is that Muslims are some how exempt from the vast complexities that govern human nature, and can be viewed as lab rats who used to run in Maze A, but now they run in Maze B.

Life - and religion - are not like that, and you know that.


So why you are providing a platform for people to simplify complex issues into a simple 'us' and 'them', approach, catnip to the Islam haters on here, is not at all helpful, amd somewhat beneath you. //

And of course, as the approaching-four-hundred-posts have proved, that is exactly what happened.

Simply put, your question is bogus, it does not merit a proper answer, even though I and others have tried on several occasions, to offer one.

It's the equivalent of "When did you stop beating your wife?" and all the responses that don't side with your pre-conceived view have met with derision, rudeness, condecension, or simply been ignored.

I hope no-one else bothers trying to debate with you about Islam - you have your entrenched views and your superior attitude, and neither are available for questioning or disagreement.

You, and your nasty predjudice, have had far more attention that you, and it, dseserve.

roy - // 

Ordinary Muslim?

How is she still a congresswoman? //

You clearly have too much time on your hands if you can trawl the internet for clips that simply enrage you, and you post them on here to little, if any, reaction.

Why not attempt to answer the question, as the OP asks, instead of simply repeating it in a shortened version.

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Still more rudeness and still no answer.  

naomi //I don't think anyone has actually answered the question.//

I may not have answered it to your satisfaction, but I tried on page 13,  22:16 Fri.

a.h. As for naomi & I being 'soulmates', because I agree with her on one issue, is nonsensical & highlights your desperate attempt to justify your own argumentative drivel.  Naomi and I stand far apart on many things, as she will surely attest.

naomi - // Still more rudeness and still no answer. //

Actually, lots of answers, including the one I highlighted.

Your problem is, you are not getting answers that chime with your predjudice, so you ignore them.

Answers that do not agree with what you want them to be, equals 'no answers'.

So after ample time, and no-one to actually back up your nonsensical OP, maybe it's time to move on?

-- answer removed --

Khandro - // a.h. As for naomi & I being 'soulmates', because I agree with her on one issue, is nonsensical & highlights your desperate attempt to justify your own argumentative drivel.  Naomi and I stand far apart on many things, as she will surely attest. //

Don't forget my question about your god allowing fanatics to murder people, will you?

Question Author

Andy Hughes, you move on if you want to.  Others are still chatting and I'm still hoping for answers - straight ones.

The people who are responsible for all of this carry on their regular everyday lives living among us.  Are they 'ordinary' Muslims - or are they extremists? 


Many of the people who turn up at these incidents are shipped in, naomi...Islamist who intimidate and bully. Your 'ordinary' Muslim will not stand up to them, they will either have tacit support or keep well away for fear. of becoming a target. That's just my opinion of course.

The main point is we have far too many Islamists rather than 'ordinary' Muslims

It's still news you uninformed ...............

roy - // It's still news you uninformed ............... //

My amusement at your trawling of the web to find things to post on here and then confirm your outrage (yawn) again, does not make me 'uninformed'.

roy - // That's just my opinion of course. //

And it's based on a combination of inbuilt predjudice, and constant attention to a media who love to ramp up hostilities and encourage divisions.

And that's just my opinion of course.

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