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Christmas kiss

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quattro | 16:36 Thu 25th Dec 2003 | People & Places
7 Answers
merry christmas to anyone sad enough to be reading this today of all days i'm actually in work so i'm not too sad am I? the thing I'd like to know is a Christmas kiss should it be given on the lips or on the cheek I have given several this year where the woman has tried to be kissed on the lips and I tried to kiss her on the cheek and it got a bit messy . This is obviously a burning issue for me at the moment one I'm loosing sleep over so take some time of from your turkey and answer it!!!


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there is no real rule. follow the female lead on it... a note though. Desmond Morris suggests that in similar situations a female alowing her lips to be kissed considers you as possible mating material. so make it a good one.
Ah, the eternal question: lips or cheeks? Either is acceptable although the Lodekka Guide To Etiquette advises that next time you really ought to get up off your knees.
While Lod is spot on as ever .......... can I answer a question with the same - why did you feel it was sad to be on-line on C'mas Day? p.s. Lod, gardening pads at, xx
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Thank you I think I will follow Desi Morris' advice the next time even if a few of the females involved needed a shave . I don't think it is too sad being on line today or yesterday I just wish I could have kept away for a couple of days but at least I'm getting paid for it
Women are experts at body language Quattro, men less so. If a woman wants a kiss to turn into something more (maybe not there and then, so steady on!) she will put her hands on your arms or shoulders, maybe linger a little longer, that sort of indication. If not, don't worry about a kiss being on the lips - it is a traditional greeting, and usually means nothing more than that. If you are unsure, move gently towards the lady's cheek, and if she turns towards you, she is indicating that a kiss on the lips is OK, if nothing further is meant, kiss briefly, and move away, no harm done. It really is something you need to assess on an individual basis, but remember, no-one lost their dignity by moving too slowly, so take your time, and read the signs.
Definatley No lips if the Kissee has a cold.....
Definatley No lips if the Kissee has a cold.....

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