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What are you afraid of?

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Charisse2 | 22:56 Thu 10th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Silly really, but I am afraid of something happening to me, accident or worse, and losing my ability to take care of my boys.

I have a recurring nightmare.


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I would try Hypnosis pet, just to see why these dreams are occuring in your sub-concious
Am afraid of wasps....and ....dying alone!!! ............but i dont have recurring nightmares thank goodness....

Charisse...write down your recurring will find in time that it changes ever so slightly may help to even get rid of it!!!
I'm afraid of dying from something really stupid, like surviving a major accident unscathed only to choke to death on a Fox's Glacier Mint.
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Unfortunately I know why I have it. It is because my first husband died.
ohhh, well that explains your anxiety pet, you are being very protective of your kids
I am absolutley terrified of pigeons and birds....
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I am feeling anxious yes and it is not an anniversary or birthday. I can only surmise that it is because I am so happy and content in my life and guilt is creeping in, if that makes sense?

I'm fine with heights, as long as ladders aren't involved!
I was always scared that something to would happen to my Dad and lived in fear from a young age. I think that's stems back to him being beaten to a pulp....and I mean a pulp (six broken bones in his face) when I was younger. It affected my sleep ever since and I had bad nightmares and would wake up crying.

He died in 2008....and my nightmares have gone with him. I think when I sleep he's looking over me as he now knows how much sleep I lost over him :-(
Charisse ...absolutely you are probably right....although i think as we get older the old existential angst always clicks in ...and the death anxiety rears its ugly head...its pretty natural

oh chuck..i hate ladders also...i will do without lights in the house and wait till a nice tall man visits, so he can put in a bulb for me....LOL...i'm such a scaredy cat of ladders....
we all have something we are afraid of Charisse but maybe if you were hypmotised, they would get to the root and relieve you of the 'guilt' honey
Chuck...I'm like that with ladders. I'm alright going up them just struggle coming down. I've had dreams about trying to get down ladders....
oh ummm , how terrible, was that when he was in the pub trade?
Would your mind be more relaxed if you laid down plans of what should happen, if you were to have something happen to you?
I'm not as bad as silk....I can manage step ladders but not the ladders they lean on walls or come out of lofts...
20silk, I'm 6'6", changing light bulbs is not normally a problem for me :)

My fear of ladders stems from a incident with one that left me barely able to walk for a year!
Motorway driving makes me feel jittery. I once had a bad experience when I was overtaking a driver who decided to speed up and wouldn't let me overtake him. The driver behind him wouldn't let me pull back in and I was terrified. It was a horrible experience.
I know what you mean charisse about being content with life etc and everything is going good and the guilt thing
No...My Dad wasn't in the Pub trade, my Nan and Grandad was. I use to stay with them about 3 times a week when I was little. Then when Mum and Dad split up I didn't get on with her new boyfriend so I went to live with them.

Dad came to see me everyday :-)

What happened to him was when he walking home from the was horrendous. But I don't have nightmares anymore....
Gosh...its like a confessional in here tonight...but its good to unburden the soul.,....

its amazing how things stick in the conscious (and indeed unconscious) mind....and have such a debilitating effect on us!!!

6.6 chuck....!!! wow.....are you built like a brick sh!t house? (as they say!!) LOL
I'm afraid of secrets coming out. I try not to have secrets but I think everyone has them and I have two or three major ones that I'm scared will come out one day just as my life might be going along nicely

Charisse, I expect thats a fear for lots of mothers/people - it is a scary thought but one of those things which is best not to dwell on as you probs know

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