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Fun Quiz

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jabula | 12:59 Sun 05th Mar 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Names of Stores e.g. Speedy to conserve = Kwik Save.

1. A drink for the Empress (8,4)

2 No limbs for sale here.(4,4)

3.Usually hot ((6)

4. Cool retailer(10)

5. Of an American bell (8)

6. Bacon, tomato,sausage, beans etc (3,5)

7 Scottish dwelling (5,2,6)

8 Not Eve's !! (5)

9 Fruity Bottom (8)

10 Mickey & Goofy's repositry (3,6,5)

11Bill's Place (8)

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2. Body Shop

8. Adams

10. The Disney Store

7. House of Fraser
1. Victoria wine
Question Author
Many thanks Lloyd1e
6. The Works?
4. Winecellar?
11 Clintons

Might 3 be Curry`s?
Question Author
Many thanks all for your kind help

is it possible to obtain this quix,it looks very interesting.


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