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Pentire | 07:21 Sun 09th Jul 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
26 Answers
Riddle : Two men walk along the beach; who gets there first?


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do you know the 'answer' pentire?
Is it in a quiz.... if so is thee a theme
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The answer to all three of your questions is “no”.
I know why they'll never starve...because of the sand which is there.

sorry, this one dosn't make any sense
I don't understand the question, the riddle. If they're walking 'along the beach', where is the 'there' they're getting to?
I'm wondering if it's a verbal riddle and it should be "their first". It still doesn't help me.
Their wives get their first, they are driving along the road in a car.
neither. something to do with tied/tide?
Is who the name of one of the men?
I wonder if the answer is something like" It was Sandy"
or "was it Sandy?"
whatcha think pentire??
It's probably that one of them was called Who, so he got there first
At the same time?
They were conjoined twins.
Great minds think alike elliemay1
Did these help pentire??
If one was called Who, then it would be a statement rather than a question. Note the ?
I agree the answer isnt Who, how many people are called Who? (Maybe sounds like High?) The sentence wouldnt make sense... gets where first??? And why a beach? I still think the answers something like "was it Sandy?" or "its Sandy/Andy"
^hugh not High!
Having pondered over this I reckon 'Neither' is perhaps the best answer.
Hi... can you explain how 'Neither' works please?

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