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Rte 25

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scooke | 10:34 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

18a god only knows how the devil Dracula appeared time after time?(4,4,3,4)???k,????,???,??a?

27d ... to be eaten after the 1st(4)c?o?

17d independent of Cmelot, as an out of house knight couldve been called(9)???????c?

1d old pink floyd number< sorry, must be politically correct to revoke that(4,2,4)?a??,??,???k



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18 back from the dead

1d take it back

17d freelance

27d= does the '....' indicate it follows on from the previous clue? If so, what was the clue and answer please?

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well 1d (1st) answer,,,,, is take it back

27d crow

chow fits the pattern and means food or meal, but I don't see where 'after the 1st' fits in

The 1st is take it back.

Eat crow = The meaning of EAT CROW is to admit that one was wrong or accept that one has been defeated

Okay, that makes sense; thanks

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Rte 25

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