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Bernie | 16:21 Wed 09th Feb 2022 | Crosswords
15 Answers
18a slack(4)s?te
Many thanks


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The clue isn't "Slake" is it? - Sate
sate - if slack should be slake?
Question Author
The clue given is Slack (4) s?te.
I was wondering is there a site called Slack e.g. like Google, what's app etc??
How sure are you Bernie of your other letters?
Question Author
I'm pretty sure as I have checked them with someone who does the same crossword.
What are the clues that give the answers for the letters you have?
if the s is wrong ...late
Question Author
12d Show press(5,4) I put in glass case(this is where I got the's' for 18a.
19d. Woven fabric with diagonal ribbing (5)??i?l. I put in Twill(this is where got the't'.
19d The evening before (3) Eve
So I end up with s?te.
I am open to correction on any of these answers.
12d Not sure where you get 'glass case' from, Bernie
would have thought 'something iron'? Steam iron?
Question Author
There is always one in this xword that gives me a headache.
I thought of steam iron also but 24a is definitely 'Glen of Aherlow'
I would have heard of a glass case as a press to display perhaps trophies. China, glasses etc.
Which 's' in 'glass case' gives the 's' for 18a? If the second one, could 12d be 'medal case'?
Question Author
I have decided to give up on this crossword.
To put in medal case I would have to change so many.
Thank you all for your perseverance.
Question Author
I have decided to give up on this crossword.
To put in medal case I would have to change so many.
Thank you all for your perseverance.
show press is a new one to me but maybe its right if your locality is Scotland or Ireland.
Maybe setter meant shoe press?
Question Author
I googled slack and came up with this definition:
'Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It's faster, better organised and more secure than email'
So I'm taking a chance and putting in Site.

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