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chirpychirpy | 19:32 Sat 26th Mar 2011 | News
17 Answers
Why don't police unmask the masked anarchists in demonstrations such as we've seen today? Then they'd be caught on cameras and easily identified.


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...because policing has become a non-contact sport
Why didn't the police just arrest them all, then have done with it? The BBC reporter said "the police come, the marchers give 'em a hard time, then run off" - pardon, where's your handcuffs?
Our police no longer have the powers they used to have/should still have

Our uber PC society has seen to this

So the police let these hoodlums do their worst then spend countless man hours viewing CCTV footage of the incidents before arresting the few thugs who can actually be identified on the grainy images
the police should plant people in the crowd who can do the unmasking for them...then run!
There are more cameras held by these neo-facists than those held by police investigators. You can now see a copper beating up a helpless member of the public but not showing what led up to the beating.
The police will probably get sued for taking away their "human right to a private family life" if an unmasking took place.
Issue the police with a unique formula aerosol paint spray to identify the masked vandals later ?
Does nobody remember Ian Tomlinson?
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The police officers have the right to hide their identity as it prevents revenge attacks on theirselves or their families. Unfortunately the masked protesters tend to have nothing to do with the group that have organised the march, they are purely there to cause trouble. However as soon as one of the officers tries to unmask them then they will have civil rights lawyers all over them and yet another police officer will be suspended pending further investigation.
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this sort of wanton destruction sickens me, it's like a license to destroy and the girl who protested to a policeman (Sky News)
Why are you arresting me, all I have done is covered my face???? eh?
she had a very plummy accent and I doubt Mummy and Daddy will be impressed when they find out

they should have used water canon on the 'mob'

We're generalising here, but quite often you find a real hatred amongst Anarchists (who, like it or not, are represented fairly heavily among the people who break off from protests and turn violent) for the police. The reason the anarchists hate the police is that they view all state power as inherently coercive.


While it may be satisfying for some people to rant about "PC" and "human rights", I'm not convinced there's much to it in this case. The reason the police can't just arrest everybody is simply because of the scale - it's just not economical to keep hundreds and hundreds of people in cells. Plus they all have to be processed etc. etc.

The police approach (as they've said before) is to make forays into the crowd and try to take out individual ring-leaders. Personally, I've no idea whether it's actually effective or not but it's certainly more practical.
Khandro's was the best suggestion yet, I have heard of a similar substance being used on cash boxes, so that when they are handled by criminals, their hands show green under a ultra-violet light.

But the Polices problem is they have to face the rioters with one hand tied behind their back.

Just as our troops have to face the Taliban in Afghan. and this is in a life and death situation, the rules of engagement would make your hair curl.
Steve.5 - Because, surprising as you may find it, some ne'er do wells, DO take objection to the Police and seek to take their revenge in a cowardly fashion after the event.
The Police never do wrong do they, anyone remember Ian Tomlinson trying to walk home after work
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