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Ex and best mate ???

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flump1 | 00:02 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Relationships & Dating
22 Answers
My soon to be ex husband ( we separated two years ago and now going through with a divorce ) has just told me that later this year he is off on a cruise. Quite simply because he has always wanted to and can't remember the last holiday he had. I can as it was the last one I had , our honeymoon.
Since we have been estranged i have been living on benefits as I am unable to work, I have a debilitating health condition, which causes great pain and my life is controlled by a degree to drug therapy.
We had our own house together which we sold when he was made redundant from a well paid job, so he could realise am ambition to manage his own business.
During the recession the business faltered and this did not help our relationship so I kind of feel it was a double whammy losing them both, then quite out of the blue, my best mate tells me she is accompanying my ex on the cruise. !!
I find it hard to make ends meet yet here are the two herberts that until recently were the closest people to me living the life of riley while I feel betrayed. .
Ok so here is the I over reacting ? I can't help feeling pretty fed up right now


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Ex = ex ... move on.
Ex best mate then.

How long has that been going on then?
you're entitled to be peed off with both off them, but keep your dignity and let them get on with it.

but don't give either of them the time of day again. I am sorry :o/
you will feel miffed..but you HAVE to move your head as well as body or you will burn yourself up with bitterness and resentment...
"my best mate tells me she is accompanying my ex on the cruise. !!"

Are you sure this person is your best mate?
Question Author
thanks for your replies,

Naz, I am moving on......albeit in a temper today !!
Hopkirk, I don't know
sara thanks for that, I am trying to be dignified
murry...yes, I am bitter, and I do resent the pair of them buggering off together !!
society......she always was my best mate. I have known her for years through thick and thin until she is saying " if it upsets you my going , I won't go " Honestly !!!
Ermmm, i certainly wouldnt do that to my bestie! Did she know you before him? X
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hi tinker,she knew him a tad before me.... maybe a month or two .our husbands worked together and when I met mine he had only known them a short while that was twelve years ago
Is she still with her hubby. I just think its inappropriate isnt it.
And people say "i wont go if u dont want me too" to try to make u feel bad. I bet if you said yeah well i dont she wouldnt immediately say ok im not going.

Terrible...i feel for you :0( hope u r ok xx
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thanks tinker, and yes, I am ok....feel battered and bruised, and used as we were good mates, until earlier today and I had a relatively good talking relationship with my ex....not no more .........I have been through as much hell as the next person , we all have , it's called life , and I feel hard done by as well as betrayed !!! Oh bugger them !!
Yeah go you fluff...feck them two!!!

Hope it rains on their stinkin cruise xx
you didnt say whether she is still with her hubby............??? i do wonder if perhaps they have been together longer than you realise.....................however, im also wondering why she told you she was going on the cruise with your ex ??? presumably she didnt need to tell you at all, he clearly wasnt going to tell you ??

is there more to this than meets the eye ??
encourage them on the Nile/Aswan cruise; everyone gets diorehea :)
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Hi happyone, she divorced her husband years ago and has been happy being a single lady apparently !! She and I would talk on the phone regularly and link on face book as we live miles apart, and during yesterdays chat I launched into " and guess what , the dozy so and so is going on a cruise, " and then she hit back with ..yes with me !! Talk about shock !!! I hope they both get soooooooo sea sick !!!
Bit tactless - if you don't see her very often, she could just have gone, and not told you at all!
What a really awkward and awful situation I am reading here Flump, i really feel for you, a situation like this would make me seeth and feel sick to my stomach to be honest...i would not entertain this fact any further and cut both of them out of your life, i believe in fate and there is something better on the horizon for you of that i am sure, this is so deceitful in many ways, both from your 'best mate' and soon to be 'ex husband' what is wrong with some people that they behave in this way without a secong thought to how others would feel....i wish you well, if you need to chat or rant, then do so through us on here...dont give them the satisfaction that this has hurt are worth so much more... x x
Hi Flump...You are entitled to feel hurt and angry as hell., telling you to move on is sound advice, unfortunately it's easier said than done....personally I would find her and slap her silly..but that's just me.

Best revenge you can have is to get a happy and fulfilling life, believe me, that really upsets them..I know this from experience

Regards N.x.
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hi boxtops, tactlass ...yes, I live on a holiday island and she on the mainland and I used to see her when she came for a break away from her work .
purple_popple, thank you for your reply, What makes me sick is the fact that she knew all the gory details of my marriage breakdown , I didn't confide all to her , she stayed with us when we were married and saw first hand what was going on and was sympathetic , short lived apparently. !!
I was always very pleasant to the first ex's girlfriend (later his wife) and it really p!ssed her off.
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Noraq, thanks for that , I am over the shock now, just totally jacked off with them both. I will be fine, I hope you will be too x

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