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being in a crowd

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bobtheturkey | 14:57 Sun 23rd Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
do they inspire you to think murderous thoughts when in amongst them? is there a worse feeling in the world than someone bumping into you in a crowd? why do people put themselves into this situation? i have a personal space problem or critical distance as i think it is called now, any more than 3 people in a room and i am on the verge of snapping necks, and why do people insist on sitting so close to you when they are trying to explain something to you at work, anyone else feel this way?


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mmm, depends on the person who is in your space, can be comfy, can be sexy, but mostly I think like you - need my personal space. If its someone I dislike its like claustrophobia
have to admit i hate crowds. Im off to watch the Manure/Chelsea match in pub this afternoon and i wanna find a pub with very few people in. Crowds are too noisy and too much in your way.

I have �2 on Manure to win 5-0 at 100 to 1
What I most dislike is someone who comes right up to your face to talk to you .Also , in a queue if someone is too near behind up that you can feel their breath , and oh I caught someone actually using me to lean on in the bakers queue the other day !
It isn;t something I think about or am aware of, but I once had an overwhelming feeling of being just one of the crowd when travelling on the London Underground and there was an emergency evacuation, it was very frightening and there were hundreds of people all trying to go the same way, I don;t think I felt claustrophobic but I definately felt lost in the crowd. It was the day of the Covent Garden bomb .
Agree with you completely bob. I hate people pushing and shoving me around in crowds and I really don't like peole invading my personal space. I'm not claustrophobic but I don't think I could cope with a crowded tube train so I can imagine how dot felt
I must admit i'm not too good in a crowd. I don't have murderous thoughts Bob LOL, in fact it's the opposite i'm more concerned for my saftey i'm always scared someone will try and pinch my handbag.
Hi Bigmamma that was rude i would of said to them i don't mind you leaning on me if you don't mind catching what i've got. :)
Its interesting as to why some people mind and some people don't think about it either way. I wonder if it has anything to do with whether you grew up in a large family or not. For instance I was one of seven kids and so grew up used to always having someone up close whether awake or asleep. Can't say that crowds bother me one way or another now and providing the person in 'my space' wasn't being threatening or intimidating in any way I can't say I'd mind.
a friend of mine cannot cope with large groups of people, especially the odourous ones, he normally can cope with 2 people in a large room, any more than that and he needs to get out and breathe.

I however enjoy the physical contact and musky odours, I draw the line at the smell of urine soaked clothing..

I have a pet peeve of hating the smell of someones breath whilst they are talking to me, I also hate people who sit very close and fidget, I like to carry a sharp pencil to jab at them

snapping necks just seems a lot of effort
Good afternoon bob hope you are well :)
As you know, I suffer from claustrophobia and hate being squished between people. It doesn't help that most people are bigger and taller than me.
I hate big crowds and the worst time ever was when I was 15 and went to my first gig. 2 days before Christmas, The Stone Roses playing a homecoming gig at Manchester Apollo, me, 5ft nothing, right at the front with my best mate, amongst hundreds of drunk festive Mancs. It scared the bejesus out of me and it took about 2 songs before I panicked and realised I had to get out of there fast. I ended up at the back near the bar, getting chatted up by a 40 year old Happy Mondays fan but it was better than being kicked in the head and feeling like I couldn't breathe :(
i hate being in a crowd. refuse to go shopping at a weekend as i hate people bumping into me or just being rude. Really some people need to learn manners cos they just shove past you and dont say sorry. especially dont like people in my personal space. one of my friends was always in my face until one day i had to tell her i didnt like it and could she please get outta my face ( wasnt that polite really lol)

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being in a crowd

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