.. today shows a revolving Christmas tree (no, it's not just a pine tree) with the message "Happy Holidays 2010".
Is this a Scrooge-like statement, or political- correctness gone insane?
The revolving Christmas tree part also features Santa and his reindeer zooming across the sky and there's a big star at one point too. It didn't seem Scrooge-like or PC-gone mad to me.
I'd suggest it's PC but in fairness it's a global brand and it's not like the whole world in nominally Christian. Maybe they should have had regional variations per country :-)
Sorry should be 2019 (typo)
//It's so nobody of any religion will feel offended.//
Offend whom? I have/had friends who were Hindus, Jews, Buddhists & even Muslims who enjoy Christmas,
The only persons Google wish not to offend it seems must be atheists.
Google itself with its billions worships only Mammon.
Where I am in Catalonia you are much more likely to hear the local Christian people say Bones Festes (Happy Holidays) than Bon Nadal (Merry Christmas) and I don’t think it is anything to do with being PC.