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Where's The Catch ?

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Bazile | 12:47 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | News
13 Answers

It's a widely held view ( on here at least ) that the EU is out to shaft us , and is only interested in the union

So here we have them ignoring the request

Surely its because they believe that this deal will give them one over us

So there must be something Boris and his advisers have missed here ?


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Bazile, what a suspicious mind you have.The EU is just as fed up,as we are, of all the delay.
They're most likely delighted that uncontrolled illegal immigration, terrorism and membership applications from countries where the donkey is a recognised form of transport are off the front pages.
Maybe it's something they'll change their mind about, or maybe they think Boris' draft agreement gives them most of their demands and would settle for that to progress things. Time will tell.
Ultimately all it says is it's not going to be considered until Monday's vote is known.
they'll wait until/if the brino deal passes, if not they'll probably grant it.
There was never a deadline on the EU to respond to the extension of the deadline.
The picture in Parliament is unclear today. The next few days should clear up one or two things. So the EU are waiting a few days (after consulting members) to give its response. There is no hidden agenda or plot afoot. They are just following process.
This is a more considered article on the prospects then that Express one:
//They're most likely delighted that uncontrolled illegal immigration, terrorism and membership applications from countries where the donkey is a recognised form of transport are off the front pages//

What? Blackpool beach?
All this could have been sorted on the Noel Edmond show :0)
How much have we got to pay them?
Hope the chq bonces.

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