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This time it could be war.

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123everton | 22:39 Mon 07th Jun 2010 | News
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Iran says it will escort ships into Gaza with it's own naval craft.


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I find it very amusing our resident lefties put it all down to concrete.

If only it was so simple. Just how do you justify mortar attacks continually ?

Dont get me wrong I cant stand 4*2's never had any thing but greif from any I have had the misfortune to come across, but the Paletinians are just as bad being hell bent on Israels extinction.

There is no solution to this until war sorts it out.
I think you'll find it's the Israelis who have singled out concrete...

... by forbidding its import into Gaza at a time when the people are desperate to rebuild homes and infrastructure that the Israeli army deliberately demolished last time they called.

I'm sure it's not just 'resident lefties' (and other rubbish cliches) who think that people should have access to a hospital and a roof over their head despite the best efforts of crafty bastards who want to drive them out by making life intolerable.
In an act of conciliation, Israel is planning to send a flotilla to Turkey herded full of students.

Presumably, the idea is that the Turks can kill a few boatfuls of innocent civilians, and all will be equal between the two former allies.

The link you supply does no longer have the story about Iran. Other links I have seen indicate that it is the Iranian Red Crescent (the equivalent of the Red Cross) which is planning to send an aid convoy. There is no suggestion that it will involve the Iranian navy (unless you have a link).
Classic Jewish joke about the Jewish mother in Russia taking leave of her son, who has been called up to serve the Czar in the war against Turkey. “Don’t overexert yourself’” she implores him, “Kill a Turk and rest. Kill another Turk and rest again…”

“But mother,” the son interrupts, “What if the Turk kills me?”

“You?” exclaims the mother, “But why? What have you done to him?”
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Sorry Gromit, on the link it had the offer.
I think Seadragon has hit the nail squarely on the head, and Geezer should give himself a blue badge for his predictive powers.
The U.S is seeking a means to isolate and or destroy Iran (see Iran's recent negotiations with Brazil for further proof), Iran knows this, the world knows this, so what can Iran do to protect itself?
If it escorts aid to a country under occupation which is then attacked in international waters without provocation, what are we and the U.S to do?
The convoy clearly needed protecting and the blockade is clearly illegal how can the U.S condone such an action by Israel?
How will other Arab staets back the U.S (China or Russia for that matter) back a response that does not compensate Iran.?
if Iran goes through with this, grab a tin hat, Israel's beligerrant enough to do just what the Iranians want them to do.
Last month Turkey signed a deal with Iran to take all its Nuclear fuel.

// A key Israeli motive to attack the humanitarian flotilla was to send a "signal" to Turkey about the Brazil and Turkey-mediated Iran nuclear fuel-swap deal - as its success pre-empted Israel's pleas for a military strike on Tehran's nuclear facilities. Israel wants conflict between Washington and Tehran - and that means using the Israel lobby in Washington to sabotage US President Barack Obama's half-hearted attempts at finding any sort of agreement with Tehran over its uranium-enrichment program. //
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That sounds about right Gromit, am I right in saying that the development of nuclear energy is not against any U.N resolutions and that the problems with Iran over this are complicated by the S.A.L.T 1 treaty as negotiated by Nixon?
Jake-the-peg - “So what? Before the peace process the Constitution of Ireland laid claim to the North. For hundreds of years the reigning monarch claimed King of France in their titles. Constitutions like this are often aspirational”

I can't quite believe that you've made the above statement. You're effectively saying that it's perfectly normal and proper to threaten your perceived enemies with death and... what's the problem?

The problem lies in the wording of your post – the destruction of the Jewish race is 'aspirational'. Do you not see a problem with this viewpoint? I find that quite disgusting – you appear to find nothing wrong with one large group of people aspiring to wipe out another large group of people. You appear to be tacitly condoning genocide in this instance.

The actions of Israel have been heavy handed to say the least but I still maintain that seeing as everyone in the region seems keen to witness the destruction of Israel and every Jewish person erased from the human race, it is hardly surprising that some individuals in Israel's armed forces have a hair-trigger when it comes to dealing with their neighbours.

Here's a radical suggestion – if Hamas rescinded its existing Constitution and created a new one that didn't call for the eradication of the Jewish race and instead called for negotiated land reclamation talks, don't you think that would be more helpful? However, if that were to happen, Hamas would have to rescind its Jihadist policies.

And on that day, Satan will be skating to work.
SandyRoe – Google “The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement”. You'll soon find out that that it does exist and has existed as a public document since 1988.

And please; if you're going to comment on the validity of another person's posts, do them the courtesy of at least carrying out a cursory check of their assertions before suggesting that they're posting spurious evidence.
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Negotiate with what?
Israel ignores the U.N, the best way to marginilise the extremists is to stop shooting and start talking, if the Palestinians were given something resembling a sustainable nation, then the majority would take it.
There would still be bitter enders.
You're expecting justice from a nation that invaded Lebannon, occupied it, and, as the occupier allowed it's allied F.A.L.N.G.E militia to rape and murder for three days.
The man in charge resigned (great!) only to come back as Prime Minister a few years later, read his speeches about the Muslims.
Bizarrely I feel Sharon as P.M had a vision of a settlement, a unillateral one but a settlement all the same.
I think most people understand, even if not agreeing with Israels actions, but on the topic of aid, I think this this be read.

I've checked, and it appears to be correct.
Good old Lonnie. Still on cloud nine. The Israelis cannot do wrong, as far as you are concerned. We will not have a peaceful Middle East ...... maybe even world .... until we provide Mahmoud Ahmadinajad with the wherewithall, financial and technical, to achieve his ambition. Read what Prof. Norman Finkelstein (Jewish American) has to say on the most recent Israeli fiascos.

Finally, a quote from another thread, "Yebamoth 98a. "All gentile children are animals." Abodah Zarah 36b. "Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth." Sanhedrin 57a . "When a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep." Baba Kamma 37b. "The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has exposed their money to Israel."

Have a good day. hth
123everton – Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that I 'expected justice' from Israel.

What I did say is that Hamas has a publicly stated policy of genocide.

I said it more than once that I don't hold Israel's actions in high regard but you cannot conveniently sidestep the fact that Hamas state that they want to erase Israel from the map and murder every single Jew on the planet.

Cugetit – I could easily give you dozens of quotes from the Islamic religion saying equally appalling things but what would that prove other than all religions denigrate other religions (and none believers) and ultimately strive to dominate the world?


The only way forward is for both sides to stop being so stupidly belligerent and as Everton says, “... stop shooting and start talking...”. Both sides have to adopt this stance if there is to be anything resembling peace in this region.

But I repeat that Hamas must rescind their current Constitution and write a new one that unequivocally repeals its previous Jihadist policies. By the same token, Israel must also accept that the Palestinians have a right to lands in this region and agree to talks (presided over by the UN).

Until this happens, people will continue to be needlessly killed in this religiously fuelled war.
Cugetit – I see you've instantly dismissed Lonnie's post as being false. Why?

As for your recommendation to look at Norman Finkelstein – I have. Oh dear... it would seem that your 'star witness' is quite the balloon. He appears to be another Holocaust denier and anti-Semitic nonsense pedaller.
a labour mp and some other well known people went to check that aid was getting to gaza early on this year.

typical israeli lies, water bottles rejected etc

watch this
Lonnie why will israel they not let the cameras in , what have they got to hide ?
Keeping passengers held in captivity so that they could not share their perspective was a deliberate attempt by Israel to cover up what really happened on the Mavi Marmara that fateful night,” They knew what the passengers would be recounting, but they hoped that by delaying the release of their testimony until days after the immediate incident, media coverage would be buried as backpage follow-up stories or dismissed purely as old news.

In her testimony, Annette Groth, a German Parliamentarian who was a passenger on Mavi Marmawa validates that assertion saying “The scandal is that we have to fight the Israeli images only with words. The Israelis confiscated all the activists' cameras, computers, and mobile phones.”
dinner-jacket rattling worry beads again......bring it on :)
iran will not last 5 minutes

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