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Stoned to death for adultery

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anotheoldgit | 15:43 Tue 15th Dec 2009 | News
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One would have to be out of their mind, not to attach the word 'savages' to these individuals?

Today Somalia, 'tomorrow' who knows?


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The reason AOG uses the word 'savages' so frequently to describe black criminals is because when he originally used the term, he was referring to black youth culture. Repeatedly attaching the term to black criminals is his attempt to 'clarify' (or backtrack).
Keyplus, you said that Islam requires 4 witnesses and further proof, DNA for example, You are therefore saying that this standard of proof/corroboration was present in this case or that they ignored their own rules. Which do you think happenned in this case?
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Well this has certainly opened the hornet’s nest once again, and once again I have been wrongly accused of using the word 'savages' to describe black men, I admit that I have used the word to describe persons that commit the most horrific brutal crimes, because they were committed by black persons is beyond my control. I am not going to spend anymore of my time repeating what I have said over and over again on this subject.

I admit the sole reason I included the word 'savages' in this post was because I knew that the usual crew would snap at the bait hook, line and sinker.

The likes of Gromit, Quinlad, sp1814, Oneeyedvic true to form (they never fail) they took my bait. I knew that if I waited long enough they would dig themselves a hole, which they most certainly did this time. Just read their pathetic liberal lefties condemnations against me.
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Gromit In his caring ways is quick to condemn me for daring to use the word 'savage' stating that it is /// quite an archaic term and some people are offended by it.///

Tough luck, the people who committed these crimes can only be described so, I will not stop using perfectly appropriate words, just because some very over sensitive persons are offended.

But then Gromit always like to take the moral high ground, but is not averse to posting such savage & barbaric statements such as this.

/// There wouldn't be enough stones for Tiger woods.///

oneeyedvic states /// but if I say something and some one tells me that they find it offensive, I don't use the word in front of them.///

I wonder, if he is so saintly and I said being called a racist is offensive to me, would he also refrain from using the word, or perhaps if he had a particular vicious crime committed against him or someone close to him, and if the perpetrator said don’t use that word it offends me, he would also stop using it?
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Forever continues to support blacks and homosexuals, no matter what they have been convicted of, and continues to twists words that I have said, to somehow cover up when certain groups are deservedly put in a bad light, unless of cause they happen to be white.


Well he is not adverse at telling utter lies about me just for the sake of it.

In closing to all you hyper sensitive people I say this, “please don’t call me racist, a bigot, senile, a ranter, or any other such word that you have used in the past because,

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AOG/kunni......don't be daft.......there is nothing wrong with using the word SAVAGE or indeed the verb SAVAGING.

It has been a fun thread though ;-)
/// I, too, have been lambasted by the EOB(Easily Offended Brigade) for using such words as "retarded / spastic / backward"/// why doesn't that surprise me
Is there anything wrong with using the word ***?
How about the word gay?
what about the word Lord
What baout Gay Lord.

Words aren't offensive but the way it which they are used can be offensive.

AOG's own words: ///I admit the sole reason I included the word 'savages' in this post was because I knew that the usual crew would snap at the bait hook, line and sinker. ////

Still, what can you expect from a senile, bigoted racist but idiotic posts than are intended to offend.

Let the incontinent old git have his fun. I expect the nurse will be round with the medication soon. With a bit of luck they may even change his soiled nappy.

Not nice to deliberately offend someone is it?
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Just in the interests of the truth, I think this is the original post that caused such an uproar.


Agree or disagree, I don't see that I was only calling all Black youths 'savages' only those who carry out such crimes in the name of 'Gang culture' or any other excuse they can find.

Having another read through it again, it was interesting to read some of the 'excusers' of these crimes try to introduce examples of Bosnian and Serbian mass rapes, to try and accuse whites of such crimes.

True we all know they happened, but the post was about these particular black gang rapes, that very few wanted to condemn, no matter how savage they were.
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He is a martyr for my keep net isn't he?

Only goes to highlight the total hypocrite he is.

It is only a few post back that he was saying how he doesn't care to offend anyone.

It is obvious that I upset him, so much so that he has to revert back to childish name calling and insults to try and ease the pain of being shown up for what he is.But I will not be drawn down to his level of name calling, to similar describe him.

///How about the word gay?/// I didn't know that this was another offensive word. Will they now have to rename 'Gay rights' Gay carnival' etc?

/// what about the word Lord /// Similar, what are we to call all those Peers? how will the church call Jesus Christ?

We are having a gay time aren't we my Lord?

Answers on back of all London's double decker bus, 'the words that are now considered offensive' by the minorities?.

Answers on the back of a postage stamp all those words that are considered offensive by the majority?
You're not immune to offence yourself, AOG. Witness the way you freak out at any perceived criticism of any member of the armed forces.

I also seem to remember you saying the word 'Brit' offends you. Or was that ham-fisted attempt to make a point?

And your frequent and pompous demands for apologies from those people who you feel have slighted you are whoppingly thin-skinned.

But, please, do go on.
///After all I did not use any words offensively yet I was still taken to task simply for daring to use them. Stick up for me, vic ! ///

There are certain words which do cause offence. My point is more that if this is pointed out to you that you stop using that word in that company. I was called a 'coloured chap' the other day. It doesn't particularly bother me and the person who said it wasn't attempting to be racist, so I have no issue with it. If I told him that I did find it racist though and he continued to use it (or specifically in this instance with AOG, deliberately go out of his way to use it) then I would find that person very ignorant.

A person shouldn't be chastised for using words, maybe just told that it isn't appropriate.

AOG - I was being deliberately insulting in response to your deliberate insult.

You are the one who comes on here saying that you never insult anyone - you have proved that you do in this thread.

However I would remind you of this post from 2007: http://www.theanswerb...1.html#answer-1675685 (my response half way down)
oneeyed......are you "non white?"
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yes sqad, my parents came from Sri Lanka.

ahmskunnirt - yes, I am sticking up for your use of the word as you didn't intend to cause offence. If you put another post up now and mentioned 'retards' then I would not. Hope that is clear.
OEV....I was at Med School with one of the son's of Bandaranyka (?sp) that of course was when it was Ceylon.

Sorry my memory.....I think that it was his daughter.
Oh my dear little birdie – Long time no time wasted. Four witnesses requirement is from Quran but of course you will not understand or perhaps I should say that you would not like to understand. Of course your knowledge about Muhammad or Islam is so restricted that most of the time I feel it a waste of time even responding to your posts but I do that for the sake of the others. By the way thanks for giving that link about the question in May and perhaps you should have read it before posting as In fact unknowingly you have proved me right. If you don’t take my words then go and read that again. Otherwise I do hope that the other people read that. So thanks for that my little birdie. And in the end, you are not the first one who has tried replacing word “adultery” with “rape” to spread wrong propaganda. For rape Islam does not need 4 witnesses,


Geezer – you have repeated same question again without properly understanding or perhaps reading my last post but I will not repeat my answer.
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