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Stoned to death for adultery

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anotheoldgit | 15:43 Tue 15th Dec 2009 | News
87 Answers

One would have to be out of their mind, not to attach the word 'savages' to these individuals?

Today Somalia, 'tomorrow' who knows?


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Have to agree with rov1200. It's their country ,their rules. Whether we agree with those laws is irrelevant- it's how they deal with them. Harsh punishment? Most certainly, but nowt to do with us. I fail to see why it even made the news to be honest.
I think Somalia came close to being a failed state until recently, B00 - an Islamic state is probably better than no state at all, though I wouldn't necessarily want to live there.
that'll cut down the moslem population
Me neither jno, and I thank God I don't either!

But I still stand by what I said- it's their laws- let 'em get on with it.
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There wouldn't be enough stones for Tiger woods.
///I don't see why, as Gromit says, the word 'savage' has racist connections. Politically correct or not, anyone capable of joining a baying mob to stone a man to death is a savage - whether he be black, white, green or purple! ///

whether or not YOU feel it has racist connotations, if someone actually says to you directly that they find it offensive, would you go out of your way to specifically use the word?
Adultery brings social problems in the society. Immediate problems are killing of unwanted children (abortions) as that is a life too, then after birth no one to take care and bring up child properly (as even where adultery is common, usually married person wants to have sex but do not want to be identified as a father of someone’s child he is not married to, no wonder then they become yobs) and they terrorise others in the society. Even in the Britain majority of the teenagers creating all sorts of problems are from these sorts of conveyor belt sexual activities. Then they become criminals and create further problems in the society and most of the time kill others or get killed. However if they do end up like that then is it their fault? No as their mothers and fathers did not ask them before bringing them into this world only to leave them later on. Even animals give birth to babies but difference between animal and human is what they do after the birth.
Then STD's and so many other things. Sexually transmitted disease can almost be eliminated if you take adultery out.

Death sentence for adultery in Islam is only for married person as he has no excuse. But Islam does not recommend about passing the sentence of so severity just like that. Because of the seriousness of the punishment the requirement of proof is huge too, you need 4 witnesses and they must have seen people involved in the act and that is usually very difficult. Other option is the unforced confession or medical proof (DNA etc)

As for murder, even in the countries who gave up death sentence, people are calling for it to be brought back. Although still minority but voice is there. Or simply ask someone who's loved one was killed. At least Islam has option even for that and it is not always death sentence. the immediate relatives of the victim has a say as they are the ones who suffered. If victim's relatives want they can have blood money and forgive, they can even forgive without blood money (actually that is preferred but still they have last say).
STDs can almost be eliminated if you use condoms

Lung Cancer can be almost eliminated if you ban smoking

shall we stone smokers?
keyplus, surely you are not condoning this savage brutality.

(savage = lacking all mercy - Collins dictionary).
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Can I just clarify something...the word savage was used in the title of this thread referring back to a statement AOG made about a group of black gang rapists. It was a particularly brutal attack, AOG used the term 'savages' in that instance specifically (I believe) because they were black.

That's the origin of the word 'savage' here.

I suppose it's the difference between someone who uses the phrase:

"A black gang committed a particularly savage attack on a defenceless girl"


"A bunch of black savages committed a particularly brutal attack on a defenceless girl"

AOG went for the latter.

From that point on (about a year ago), he's been trying to claim that he would use the word 'savage' whether the gang were black, white, Asian etc.

This is only partially true...he WOULD use the term 'savage' but only if the guilty party were black or Asian.
Errr, but it is savage behaviour SP- how else would you describe it?
Online dictionary - meaning of savage .......just to put an end to any misconceptions.
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I don't always agree with AOG but when he used the word savage I thought it was quite appropriate.

Keyplus...I think you are nuts...
keyplus, are you seriously expecting me to believe that there were 4 witnesses to this blokes adultery and that they did a DNA test? theymostly ain't even on the lecky yet mate! get real. you follow any of his posts in religion?

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