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Muslim Donates To Reform....

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ToraToraTora | 09:17 Fri 21st Jun 2024 | News
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A Muslim entrepreneur has donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to Reform UK, claiming the UK has "lost control of our borders”. He's not wrong!

I've known a fair few Muslims over the years, one even an Imam who I knew well.

Every single one had 'conservative' views, that why I have posted on here I dont understand why they vote labour (unless hijacking the Pary maybe)

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I think they are attracted to the anti semitism.

Some maybe but to be honest I never heard any of that. 

Plenty of anti semites of British Heritage as we see on these pages from time to time.

Muslims I have known want to make money and enjoy life (ok different enjoyment to many of us but thats their choice), send their kids to private schools and travel, have nice motors, have a house etc, etc.

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....and they don't want to kill us to death at all?

Well who knows what is said behind closed doors.

I think the guy's action is a strong hint that not every Muslim is an extremist Islamist type. The religion as a whole still has a problem with it, the forceful proselytising, the lack of basic rights, and hate spreading teachers, etc.. They, themselves, need to work to push the worst out from their community.

probably a laid back non conforming muslim if at all, problem is ones who want the same religious extremism like the countries they supposedly fled from, so it begs the question, why are they here then.

To 'show us the way' Fender.  A Muslim told me that.

Future headline: Reform being eaten from the inside. 'We thought he was our friend' whines victim.

my thoughts are with you at this very difficult time tora

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I bet he's got a private jet too!✈

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Muslim Donates To Reform....

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