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'Tommy Robinson' And 'Friends' Make A Nuiscance Of Themselves, So No Change There.

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andy-hughes | 17:27 Sat 11th Nov 2023 | News
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Tommy Robinson leads supporters through London | Watch (




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andy-hughes, //If you wish to read any or all of my posts regarding 'Tommy Robinson', they are all directed at his criminal behaviour…//


I know exactly what you've said - and that makes it abundantly clear that you simply refuse to address his very valid concerns preferring instead to take the cowardly way out by once again shifting your attack in my direction.


//I though[sic] better of you naomi.//


I can't say I return the sentiment, but be assured your opinion either way is neither sought nor valued,   It's wholly irrelevant. 

say something nasty about muslims andy, you'll be a patriot then 😉

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Now you know how I feel about 'Tommy Robinson'.

untitled, //say something nasty about muslims andy, you'll be a patriot then //


I resent your implication, but since it's clearly the best you can do I'll overlook it for now.  Just tell me was Tommy Robinson wrong to talk about Muslim grooming gangs that had been ignored by the authorities for years - or radical preachers encouraging harm to this country?  Would you rather he'd have shut up?


You're invited to answer that too if you like, andy-hughes.

Interesting how intolerant the bigots become become when a patriot (who behaved impeccably on Remembrance Day by the way) is discussed. 

Whatever one thinks of Tommy's methods, what cannot be effectively argued against is what he says.  They attack the person because they can't attack the truth he speaks and their vitriol for him blinds them from admitting he speaks for many thousands of British people in a world where traditional British men and women are let down politicians, police and suchlike. They can attack the man, but can't attack what he says.

Unforgettable interview with Professor Gad Saad;

Comments: "Tommy Robinson is the bravest man in England"

i am very critical of his suggestion that all muslims are enemies of the state that must be "fought". i also think his abuse of the grooming gangs case to whip up hatred and suspicion against all muslims regardless of their involvement does not cover him in glory. his intentions are not patriotic they are violent, which is why he so often ends up at the heart of violent situations. it isn't bad luck, it's central to his ideas. he wants muslims to be persecuted. 

> Ellipsis - // You cannot separate his politics from his behaviour - just like Gary Glitter and his glam rock, or Hitler and his vegetarianism, one thing affects the other. //

> I don;t think the two compare.

I think it does. However, there are some differences. For one, art is unique to the artist, whereas the whole point of politics is that it's a joint enterprise - the "far right" is the "far right" independently of any person.  The other big difference is timing - Gary Glitter became famous and successful and then his paedophilia was discovered; it would be different the other way around.  I love Van Gogh's work, it would be hard to "unlove" that work if I discovered that Van Gogh was a paedophile, but it would also be very hard to enjoy the work in the same way. Tommy Robinson, however - is just a criminal, nothing special except his criminality which is exceptional, and the far right doesn't need him to be the far right.

Ellipsis //Tommy Robinson, however - is just a criminal, nothing special except his criminality which is exceptional,..//

To that, what can one say? Perhaps simply that it says more about the accuser than the accused.

Khandro> tomus42  //'Tommy Robinson' is a criminal. The people that admire him admire a criminal. They are either stupid or equally misguided. He is a thug.//

Khandro> Are you a criminal ? Have you never committed a crime ? - I certainly have.

What can one say, indeed ...

Untitled, //i am very critical of his suggestion that all muslims are enemies of the state that must be "fought". //


I haven't seen him say that,  but by the rest of what you've said I presume the answer to my question is yes, you would prefer him to shut up - which begs the question, do you actually know what you're supporting?  


By the way, in amongst all those pro-Palestine marchers, thousands of whom are Muslims, have you ever seen a poster or a placard calling for Hamas - who let's not forget started this war by slaughtering over 1000 Jews in cold blood - to lay down their arms?

Here's an article that might give some indication to doubters of what's going on in this country

If we're doing 'Tommy Robinson' can we also have 'Gary Glitter'?

Indeed why stop there? 'George Orwell', 'George Eliot', 'Adam Ant', 'Humphrey Ploughjogger'...

Ellipsis that was addressed to tomus, but I'll now put it to you;

Have you never committed a crime ?

Not a crime but bad mistakes, I've made a few.

'Freddie Mercury' ☺

take the cowardly way out by once again shifting your attack in my direction.

cant one of the mods er moderate this? Lordy !

Oh oops, that is TWO of the mods having a daily go at each other.

I  tried a 'dead babies are bad, even in Gaza' and got deleted for my pains. - and then made it worse ( obviously against Site Rules, "not mimsy" ) by saying 4000 is worse. Jesus it was like a red rag to a bull ! - screams of bullshoot and "you're harassing me by being there!"

Excuse me it is NOT true that George Eliot was convicted of cross-dressing. and Humphrey Bamfondler I understand pleaded not guilty

George Sand ( Mme Dudevant) DID cross dress, but was never prosecuted - quel style etc. She maight even have been feted

Khandro, I'll respond with tomus42's, again ...

> Khandro, this from Wikipedia

> //Robinson has a long-standing criminal record. His convictions include for violence, stalking, financial and immigration frauds, drug possession and public order offences//

> If you want to know more I suggest you 'do your own research'. Pmsl.

As for me, I have no criminal record at all ... none.  Never been cautioned, warned, arrested, charged or convicted of anything. I'm not sure how that's relevant, but there you go.

Ellipsis; I didn't ask if you had a criminal record, I asked if you have never committed a crime. 

So you've never been fined for speeding. Never taken anything which wasn't technically yours to take or trespassed. Never lied ? 



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