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Damn savage - should never see the light of day again!
16:05 Sun 27th Jun 2021
What TTT posts is up to him. Personally I think Islamic terrorists deserve all the negative publicity they can be given.
//If you could push a button on the arm of your sofa, and every Muslim in the world would instantly die,//

And all the Christians?
I think all terrorists and killers deserve negative comment.
Yeah, I think paedophile gangs do too- without ignoring the huge majority of them. Just... odd.
Mamyalynne, when threads are closed no one can say whether more contributions may have been forthcoming. I tried to post on that thread today but couldn’t. TTT has done well in raising the issue here.
Dave 16:56; "And all the Christians?"

I wouldn't press such a button on anybody. I'm curious to see TTT's response. I'm hoping he wouldn't do it.

What if I accidentally sat onto the button on the arm of the sofa atheist? Would I be voting with my a.r.S.e.?
Quite common lately. what what...
david; literally, you would. Sorry that TTT hasn't replied; I was hoping that he'd say that he wouldn't kill millions of people if he could get away with it. I'm sure he wouldn't do such a thing.
david, best to let TTT reply?
// pixie: 16:40. they leap to the defence of Islam every time, get real!//
yup TTT is doing his usual dance

I know TTT ! lets do a count down - that really cheapens a serious subject - - - I will start ( preamble - usual script that says: foo alot! - then foo some more!!)
.....................10 ...............
// TTT has done well in raising the issue here.//
oh god the usual -I think aliens are involved - somewhere
I am trying to be balanced and fair
If you was to change"every muslim"to "every muslim terrorist"or "every IRA terrorist and their apologists",you would get quite a few on here saying yeah,bring it on.What are your views on Islamic terrorism,by the way?
ynnaf... Best if you indicate to whom your remarks are addressed.
lets do the usual dance - yeah foo !
........................9 .............................
Well not Pixies comment...
I would say he is addressing you, atheist.

What are your views on Islamic terrorism,by the way?

// What are your views on Islamic terrorism,by the way?//
oh I blame the pope ( bishop of rome that is!)

erm some of us are not dancing in time ...............8 ............
Thanks, innaf, I just saw your post.
I think people who try to get their own way by bullying (either by verbal abuse or by physical attacks including murder) are pathetic and dangerous. They don't understand that you don't win respect by threats, you win respect by behaving in a way that makes your opponent understand that you you are worthy of admiration. The OT God, and Allah, for instance tried to terrorise people into obedience, but any self-respecting person despises such behaviour.

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