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Harry And Meghan To Step Back

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Bobbisox1 | 19:49 Wed 08th Jan 2020 | News
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And go it alone , good for them, they don’t see a future as part as the Royal family


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Peter - // I thought the girl had married a meal ticket for life as she had tired of acting // Meghan Markle has been a major role player in a highly successful American drama series for seven seasons - I doubt she ever needs to work again - and that was before she met Harry. She may need many things from a husband, but a 'meal ticket' is not one of them.
21:20 Wed 08th Jan 2020
//well since we pay - - it IS our business//

Then shouldn't we be celebrating the fact that they are targeting living independently?
I don't blame them. Hopefully it'll there'll be less whining about they should be behaving.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Peter - // I thought the girl had married a meal ticket for life as she had tired of acting //

Meghan Markle has been a major role player in a highly successful American drama series for seven seasons - I doubt she ever needs to work again - and that was before she met Harry.

She may need many things from a husband, but a 'meal ticket' is not one of them.
Prince Harry inherited a vast fortune from Diana. He had a good salary from when he served in the army. The Queen mother left him a large sum. Prince Charles sorts Harry's travel and clothing allowances out with money from the Duchy of Cornwall. Meghan is probably a millionairess.I don't think they will go short of anything financially wherever they decide to live.
If,heaven forbid, anything happened to William then Harry would be duty bound to step in. The qQueen did not have choice and I'm sure both the queen mother and the Queen felt they would have had a better life had Edward not abdicated. Harry has a duty to the Crown and should not be able to abdicate his royal duties because he fancies living somewhere else. Privilege comes with a price -or it should do.
APG - if that happened, we may well end up with King Archie I
Like Jordy, I am sorry for Harry (at least I think Jordy is sorry) because I can't see it lasting. I agree with APG - Harry (although wealthy in his own right) has taken a lot from the UK and does owe a duty to the country. I quite understand that the monarchy needs to be streamlined, but the country opened up to Meghan (despite her background and understandable misgivings) and this is not, so far, a good repayment and, from what I hear around, people are very upset.
Me, I don't care - but I want every penny back that has been paid on their security etc. since they became engaged.
The wedding cost a fortune .,
//but the country opened up to Meghan//

It has? I've seen constant abuse and nastiness aimed at her since the moment they were engaged. Certain places have been spitting venom like a king cobra in her direction.
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I like them both but then I’m a firm Royalist anyway
always said that they ought to appoint them as Governor General of Canada....neat residence in Ottawa.....
Extra to ensure a meal ticket is never unwelcome though. And get into position then convince your spouse to drop the responsibility/expectations has got to be a win situation.
It (something awful) wouldn't only have to happen to William but to all of his children before Harry had to step up. There have long ben plans to slim down the Royal family so this seems to be a sensible thing to do and a sensible time to do it.
it's possible he's stepping back/down/sideways for his mental health?
If so, that should never be be-littled.
I feel so sorry for the queen. She has spent her whole life in the service of this country and this pair of self-obsessed individuals didn’t even have the courtesy to inform her that they were going to make this announcement. They have nothing whatsoever to be proud of. Shame on them both. Truth is as far as stardom goes Meghan was never an A-lister - B-C-D-at best - I had never heard of her until Harry met Meghan - and as for media criticism, when people more or less say ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ as these two have, they deserve all the criticism they get. Fine - go off and lead their own lives - but do it in the right way. I am truly disgusted by their utter disrespect for the monarchy. The queen deserves better.
They can't do right for doing wrong. So often I have seen on here that they need to choose whether to be royal or celebrity. They choose and it's still wrong.

This will no doubt have been discussed with the queen, Charles and William. In some ways it fits with Charles' vision of a slim downed monarchy.
the BBC thinks it wasn't discussed with anyone, Barmaid. The Palace is very cross about it.
For all any of you lot know it could have been Harry’s idea but don’t let the lack of actual facts and information get in the way of the mud slinging.
What does Jenny Smartredtwinpiece Junor have to say about it?

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