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Why Are People So Inefficient?

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david small | 19:50 Fri 25th May 2018 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
So many tradesmen late, don’t turn up. Parcels not delivered or thrown over fence. Service industry rife with lazy rude, individuals. Hospitals dentists can’t be bothered to go the extra mile. Apathetic or no response to enquiries etc.


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what does a dentist going the extra mile mean exactly?
Try Rated People for a good response from tradespeople.
I think a lot of service (at least phone based service) deteriorated with the advent of computers. "Computer says No" I disagree about the service industry though - that has really upped it's game and sloppy service is not really tolerated anymore.
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Recent dental job. Slapped a shoddy filing in leaving sharp edges of tooth prominent. Private appointment £50 charge. He couldn’t be bothered.
The service industry is full of people who are paid peanuts and offered little or no incentive to do their job well. It seems we prefer cheap goods and poor service to dearer goods and good service.
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We as a nation don’t seem to take pride in doing a good job anymore....any job...
If people were efficient they wouldn't be so flexible.
You can only take pride if you have been given something that you can take pride in. Unfortunately, due to office based middle managers who think they know better than experienced staff, that is not often the case
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I don’t agree. In Austria even the road sweepers are happy and efficient, knowing that doing the job correctly is not demeaning but an essential part of community cohesion.
I totally agree OP. I've recently asked two tradesmen (both from rated people).

One didn't turn up, the other came but never got back to me with a quote.

And they say builders are struggling for work.
The road sweepers might be efficient but you don't know that they are happy
I'm surprised at that, Darcy. I have always found Rated People to be very good.
I got a quote from Rated People a few years ago. When I declined the quote, the guy wasn't too happy because he had to reclaim his fifty quid that he had paid to be in the site. I prefer Checkatrade
I'm surprised; private (and most NHS) dentists I've had have all been excellent. Sorry to hear that. Can you ask around friends or colleagues to recommend a good dentist?
We have a local scheme called "Trusted Traders" run by the local council. It seems that you can be called a trusted trader if you have two good references from customers. One, who I wouldn't trust to flush the toilet, got his references from two members of his family. Total joke - wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.
Tilly - I was surprised too, as both had good feedback, but as Maggie says, I suppose anyone could get that from friends / relatives.
There are no consequences for poor performance these days, so people put zero effort in. Too busy thinking about their next booze up/holiday/day off, society as a whole in the last 10 years has become more self centered.
I ordered something on the phone at about 1500 one day, it was delivered at 1000 the next day. Can't fault it.
Why!! one never hears the postman or the milkman whistling these days.
well I have gotten an electrician and simply he was brilliant, reliable and extremely cheap - so cheap I bunged in another £30 onto his price.

I now have his number on my phone book.

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