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scooping | 16:32 Sun 17th Aug 2014 | News
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Know we know that I.S are decapitating people, sticking their heads on on posts, slaughtering men and boys, selling women and girls into sexual slavery, might it be O.K for idiot Lefties if we took some action - without their bleating that it's all about oil.


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In the first place I'm not a leftie, at least not in the sense that would make me a target of this post. I've argued on this site in the past for early intervention of some form in Syria, and also for intervention against the Islamic State. So no I'm not suggesting a cuddle. I'm just saying that I'm slightly surprised that this post going from describing...
16:49 Sun 17th Aug 2014
"We must do something"

Absolutely agree.

I have zero idea what we can do, but whatever we do, it has to be the right thing, and I don't think that any 'armchair generals' posting their solutions online have a clue.

And I include myself in that.
I have zero idea what we can do, but whatever we do, it has to be the right thing, and I don't think that any 'armchair generals' posting their solutions online have a clue.
I'd go with the current strategy of Hellfire-ing them back to the stone age, eradicate Islamic fundamentalism as much as is humanly possible, re-install the displaced then start from there.
seems like a good plan from my lazy-boy, chill. ;)
So much alienation here.
I think the OP is saying:
1. I disagree with left-wing views.
2. It's the fault of the Left that we aren't involved militarily in Iraq right now.
3. People who hold left-wing views are idiots.
4. Only softies believe oil has motivated past intervention in the area.

Doesn't stack up to a whole lot of reasoned debate, Scooping.
Mosaic...on the button !
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It was bloody Blair and his Christian side-kick that got us involved in this mess anyway and has been a major component in the creation of ISIS. Cameron's article in the Sun Tel is starting the propaganda to prepare us for the fact that we will need to go back in with 'boots' on the ground potentially, not unless we can get the Saudis and Iranians to go in and sort the mess out and, I would postulate, that is highly unlikely.

Is there an anti-Nobel prize that we can award the two berks?
Kurdistan is one price that we may well have to pay if ISIS are to be stopped.
Could their brutality have been a deliberate tactic? Their reputation went before them when they approached Mosul in Iraq last June. The defenders, units of the Iraqi army, vastly superior-in numbers anyway- fled.
I would like to point out that our actions in Iraq - not least our unwillingness to stay as long as it took to properly arm and train the Iraqi army - have directly contributed to the current bloodbath in Iraq.

So yeah, I can understand people being a little unclear about whether we should really plunge our hand into that hornets' nest again.
I don't know what the right thing to do is. I really don't. But my first thought is that intervening just to destroy ISIS will do absolutely nothing for Iraq.


Because after we leave (assuming we did), Iraq would still be defended by an army so weak that it fled an invading force numbering no more than a few thousand. That is, to some extent, our fault (and the Americans'). Furthermore, Iraq is surrounded by vultures. I predict that it is going the way of a failed state, and it's too late for us to do anything about it.
I have been saying we need to go and sort them out.

It is the idiot righties who are shirking (see the previous threads).
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It was Cameron who wanted to arm the Syrian Rebels of which ISIS were a part. If it wasn't for Miliband putting the kibosh on that davy idea, ISIS would have won months ago.
As someone who is slightly right of Ghengis Khan I have stated in some of my previous posts that ISIS, or whatever name is being used in whatever country Islamic fundamentalists operate, have taken great joy in decapitating and torturing people/hostages for many years.What ISIS are doing now is no surprise to me.Islam is the most pernicious ,evil, religion imho known to man when it is interpreted and corrupted by a perverted fundamentalist regime.That is not to say that some religion did not,in the past, have evil perverts and bigots corrupting a religion with barbaric purges.The Inquisition springs to mind.Any fundamentalist Islamic group must be vapourised,turned to glass and wiped off the face of the Earth by any country who are tolerant of any ones individual beliefs.I'm afraid I believe that the UK should put boots on the ground and wipe out this evil scourge.Yes.I would,as an old man,gladly volunteer to eradicate this bloody carbuncle of so called humanity.If not killed off now it is definitely going to spread world wide.Remember.It could happen on a street round the corner from you in the UK. I remind you of Lee Rigby. RIP. Woolwich, UK. I hope I am not accused as being disrespectful to his memory and his family by quoting this incident on our door step.Near decapitation by Islamic fundamentalists??? Bomb them to Hell and s.o.d the bloody lefties.
good to see so many ABers declaring their intention to join up.

Of course if they just plan to send other people to do their fighting for them, then they're probably closet lefties.
"Islam is the most pernicious ,evil, religion imho known to man when it is interpreted and corrupted by a perverted fundamentalist regime."

With great regret I have to agree.
Whatever we did in Iraq didn't create what's happening now and nothing, to a sane mind, justifies what's happening now. Stupid political point scoring clouds the issue and if we lose sight of what that issue really is we will live to regret it. That's the reality.
// Whatever we did in Iraq didn't create what's happening now //

I beg to differ. iraq was ruled by a dicator who kept order by murder, fear and blatant cruelty to his enemies. When we got rid of that, we left a vacuum, a grab all. It seems, that in some parts of Iraq, Islamic States have come out on top.
If we had gone into Iraq with some proper acheivable objectives and a realistic time frame, and a plan B, then we woyld not be in our present predicament.
once again I find myself in agreement with naomi.

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