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Soldier Of Allah

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emmie | 15:34 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | News
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one of the accused over Lee Rigby's murder has described himself as a Soldier of Allah, if so are there more who will follow his example and see this as a war with the west. The family of Lee Rigby must be devastated
having to listen to the evidence.


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It would be unwise of us not to believe that there are more self-styled 'Soldiers Of Allah', emmie. Whether or not they would be prepared to carry out any such atrocities is for time to tell. What has probably happened is that all servicemen and women will have been put on full alert immediately following Lee Rigby's death, even when at home on leave. Which is, of...
15:42 Mon 09th Dec 2013
Jake, I’ve said it before, but with friends like you this country doesn’t need enemies. Perhaps the terrorists would better serve their people by toting bedpans rather than bombs to kill the innocent - including their own, no?
Excellent post emmie (#79).
oldier of Allah Eh? I wonder if Allah is keeping his Children or is it the benifit sytem of God who pays their rent? if Allah needs soliders, what the hell is he doiung here? another load of bull sht by an idiot.

As I read your post TWR the very same thought occurred to me!
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he should have gone to fight in one of these countries if he was so enamoured of the regimes, instead killed an unarmed combatant, he wanted to be a martyr, and has said so, i am glad that he, they are not.
This country looks set to have more of these atrocities, if we have no soldiers in Islamic countries, what will their excuse be i wonder, kill the infidel anyway, just as Anjem Choudary says.
I too wondered that when it mentioned he was father to 6/7 children.
In fact I remarked to myself that he must have a fantastically well paid job in order to support his offspring.
Soldier? He's doing himself a disservice. He's a positive demigod and beacon for his faith.....

I don't recall any terrorist attacks on UK soil before 2000...and I lived in Beyhnal Green for a short time in the 80s...and from my recollection the area already had a very well established Pakistani/Muslim population. Are we saying that the media hid terrorist attacks in the 70s, 80s and 90s, preferring to concentrate on IRA terrorist attacks?

I suppose that could be one argument, but I strongly suspect that there's a link between the radicalism of young Muslims, and the exploitation of carefully selected images/video from the wars in the Middle East...exploited by anti-West agitators, who have a political, rather than an ideological reason to rid the region of western influence.

Personally, I blame...Russia.


I think that ground zero was the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Everything can be traced back to that.

You know the idea that these Middle Eastern countries "asked for help" and out of pure altruism, we spent trillions going over the to help them out is a little far off the mark, right?

That is absolutely not the reason why the West got involved in the current (and past two) Middle Eastern conflicts.

Soldiers are dying is to establish democracy in the region, but the reason the West needs democracy is because the region has vast untapped oil and mineral deposits, and even more importantly, there are trade routes which need to be kept out of the hands of fanatical regimes.

Put simply - we are too heavily invested in the region to walk away. Our reliance on oil and oil-based products simply won't permit it.
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previous terrorist attacks in Britain were committed by the IRA, those other attacks have not been recent, i was referring to the rise of Islam as a force, those who want to dominate, control and indeed impose their will, and not just in Britain, look at how this religion has imploded around the globe, their ways are not ours, their so called peaceful religion is far from it, The Arab Spring has gone nowhere, the people who fight in Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, are Muslims, they are not overly peaceful, going on the coverage, however they do ask for help, when it isn't given we are condemned, when we do we get embroiled in their wars, and are roundly condemned for our imperialist ways, absurd.

now it's becoming home grown, like this man and his accomplice. And plenty more like Choudary, who openly want Sharia law and an Islamic country, who said as Naomi pointed out, that what these two men did was right in the eyes of their religion, so we are to expect more home grown fanatics, whilst the world looks on, and we seem powerless or unwilling to stop it.
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which is the big pity, without oil these countries would be nothing, with people's who's mindset is backwards to the point of insanity, who permit stoning of women, killing of gays, FGM and more besides, and don't blame for the russians for everything, as for us, it was and is foolish for anyone to attempt democracy on these places, they don't want it, we shouldn't try, it has led to the wretched situation like Lee Rigby's murder, and more perhaps to come.
But emmie - again, I have to ask you - if Islam is inherently a violent religion, why is it only recently that radicalism has taken hold?

Surely the West and Islamic fanatics should have been fighting since...well, Suez?

What I mean is, there must have been key events in the past 15 years to make this happen. There are well-established Muslim communities all over the country - why didn't the parents of these young fanatics planting bombs and murdering soldiers in the 80s???
The core of Islam IS a peaceful religion, the warfaring parts of the Koran are taken to extremes by those who hate the liberalism in the West. It's the radicals and insurgents who make it not so. Believe me, the many Muslim people I know think what happened is hideous, and say that Rigby wasn't murdered in their name at all. They want no part of this.
They've been fighting since the Crusades, sp - nothing's new!

I can see where you're coming from.

Not blaming the Russians, but trying to put things into context.

We will never, ever be out.
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why indeed, like other dictatorships they take time to foster, things just don't happen overnight, if it were solely our involvement in foreign wars, and it was as much to get rid of the vile poppy trade, which in fact is flourishing better than ever according to recent reports. If oil is the main component in this, why is there so much bloodshed between Muslims in their own lands ? not oil presumably, but one sects domination over another, one brand of Islam over another, one person's interpretation of their holy book the Qu'ran. As far as my studies go Islam has rarely been peaceful, and not just at the times of the Crusades, kill the infidel seems to be the order of the day for many, or kill your brother, sister because they don't adhere to your idea, interpretation of that book.
if we are involved in these countries because of oil, why? because we trade with many nations, we don't have to send soldiers to do the work, but trade delegations.
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sorry boxtops i disagree entirely.
Those are big questions emmie.

Way too big for me.

I've only given answers as I see them, and I'm sure that neither you, nor I are 100% correct in what we believe.

Anyway, enjoy (if that's the right word, and I'm sure it isn't) the rest of this thread - I don't think I have anything more of value to add.
A warped mind can come up with all sorts of unrealistic justifications for their wrongdoing.

The family will know the culprits are simply trying to wriggle out of their just deserts. Does the famiy need to be present ?
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big questions that need answers, these two men are obviously not alone in their thinking, given opportunities in Britain that may well have been denied them in the countries they support, which is what makes me so very angry. Turncoats, traitors, murderers, more to come?
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i am not sure if the family needed to be present, but they were there, Lee Rigby's mother fled in tears at one point i believe.

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