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Rihanna Asked To Leave Mosque.

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anotheoldgit | 14:13 Mon 21st Oct 2013 | News
65 Answers

Should we now put an end to any female Muslim posing in front of St Paul's wearing a niqab?


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you can be arrested here for taking a photo of St Paul's from across the river. I was alarmed when this happened since I'd done exactly the same thing myself half an hour earlier on the same day. I don't know if wearing a niqab while you're doing it makes it better or worse.
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Some are even allowed to set up camp outside St Paul's, so it would seem we are much more tolerant than some.
Pity there were no hoses nearby when she gets up to her capers. Maybe a good soaking would cool her down and make her think twice. Can I turn on the tap please?
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No !
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/// This story is cobblers. ///

/// Anyone want to know why? ///

Oh dear did I put an end to your little quiz, sorry?
// it would seem we are much more tolerant than some. //

Or maybe not...

// Alex Turner, another amateur photographer, was arrested after he took pictures of Mick's Plaice, a fish and chip shop in Chatham, Kent, evidently a building of great strategic importance to the jihadi godfathers in Waziristan. A few days ago, Jerome Taylor was stopped while taking pictures of the House of Commons from the South Bank of the Thames. "For 10 minutes," he recalled, "I was questioned about my evening and asked to give my height, name, address and ethnicity – all of which were recorded in a form that will now be held at the nearest police station for the next year." The reason he had been stopped was also noted: "Using a camera and tripod next to Westminster Bridge." //
oh yeah i can tell now that it's not her real leg colour cos her foot is pale.
"The mosque statement, published Monday in local newspapers, said Rihanna was in an area normally off limits for visitors. It says the fashion-style photo session violated rules on the "status and sanctity of the mosque"."
1. When an international pop star takes part in a photoshoot, it has to be arranged some time in advance. Not only does the photographer have to be booked, but so does the stylist, make up person, hairdesser, lighting tech, lighting rig, phtographer's assistant, catering etc etc.

2. In addition to this, security has to be in place. Rihanna cannot just pop out with an entourage like that without physical security.

3. After spending all that money, booking the photographer, security, assistants, lighting engineer, publicist, catering...what are the chances that not a single person in the organisation would think, "Perhaps we should ask permission?"

So after getting permission, her people DELIBERATELY took photos which they knew would've gotten them into trouble.

And bish bash bosh - a nice big old article in the papers for a bit of free publicity.

Rihanna is simply doing what Madonna has been doing for about 85 years...

Oh, one last thing - the photo of her sitting down, looking directly is it possible for a woman to be THAT beautiful without spontaneously combusting???

No didn't put an end to my little quiz.

And what's the link to the Guardian all about? What's that supposed to prove???
/she seems to make a habit of this./ very drole Sandy, at least not all ground is stony.
///Rihanna is simply doing what Madonna has been doing for about 85 years... ///
Lol :)

Can we please stop using the term 'none-story'?

It was used accidentally about a year ago, and now it's spread.

The term is 'non-story', not 'none-story'.
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/// No didn't put an end to my little quiz. ///

Well tell us the answer to your little quiz it will stop any further misunderstanding.

/// And what's the link to the Guardian all about? What's that supposed to prove??? ///

Don't be so coy, you know you have been found out, you wanted to blaime the Daily Mail as you often do, but seeing it was also in the Guardian as well as numerous other publications, it all rather took the wind out of your sails.
AOG - "Should we now put an end to any female Muslim posing in front of St Paul's wearing a niqab?"

Hopefully not.

But we should remember cultural differences.

For Moslems, their faith is far more an integral part of the everyday life of a Muslim, than a Christian - and on that basis, respect for their place of worship is far more stringent, and observed.

The Christian faith takes a more relaxed view of such issues, but i think you will find that had Ms. R. done the same thing in St Paul's without permission - and that is the root of the issue here, in an area not sanctioned for visitors without prior arrangement - she would have been asked to leave in a similar fashion.
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/// Everyone ///

/// Can we please stop using the term 'none-story'? ///

SP has spoken, put 'None-Story' away in the box of other words such as the "N" word that SP has banned.

Pity he hasn't put his Blackberry in that same box of obsolete items
I think AOG makes a valid point here.

By definition, if something is published in a newspaper, it is a 'story'.

Perhaps we can debate the validity of the item in question without recourse to this expression, which is actually meaningless.

I know I have used it previously, i will stop now.
sp1814's objection to "none-story" is simply that it's being spelt wrong. He is correct.

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