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aching all over?

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prendi | 17:16 Fri 16th Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
i am 56 yrs old and still having the odd period every now and then,but recently i have not had one for 2 months and i have started aching all over even in my fingertips and toes .Is this a symptom of the menopause?and if it is how long will it last for ?my bones have also started cracking when i move around .is this the shape of things to come,i hope not .


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Hi prendi,sounds like it,i had a chemical menopause,and it seemed overnight that my body aged,my bones ached,as you said even in your fingers and toes,skin started thinning,hair went doolally,memory loss,etc etc,mine was different as it was induced,no one can say how long it will last as everyone is different,i had hot flushes,but not on the scale as some have suffered,i think because i kept myself fit,i didnt have them all over my body,just my face,i occasionally get the odd one,can empathise with you...
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thanks poodicat what do you take for the aches,all i can take is paracetemol,as i am sensitive to most things??
Prendi you would be on painkillers constantly,dont go down that road,how old are you?i have learned to tolerate it some,got a memory foam mattress and pillow that has helped,i used to be a avid gym goer,but after my hysterectomy i lost my way,my body wasnt up to it,just recently started back,not to full capacity as i did before,found it easier than i thought,dont know if you have been having cramps at night,i found i got them quite badly going through the menopause...
Sorry prendi you did say your age..
Personally, I would see your GP. Things like this do happen at the time of the menopause but it need not be related. You need to rule out other things and even if it is due to the menopause it can be helped.
Hi lottie hope you are well,looking back to when i had my hysterectomy,and i was in the menopause,was not offered any help,by the nurse at the hospital for getting hrt,and when i went to the doctor and said i how i was feeling still no help and i was 51..
Sad isn't it, how care varies from one area to another? I had my hysterectomy at 46 and was put on HRT patches within a few days of having the operation. As a result I honestly say that my experience of any menopausal symptoms was minimal. Prendi, I think seeing your GP or practice nurse is a really good idea, just have a check-over. You might find that cod-liver oil or green-lipped mussel extract helps the joint cracking, my mum used to swear by the mussel extract and I myself still take CLO capsules every day.
Hi Poodi. I'm fine. Got a new a baby - another dog!!
I am lucky I have had a really good doctor for the last twenty years. The previous one just didn't care and dismissed all my aches and pains and had me down as a hypocondriac. I actually was suffering from ME. Still gets to me if I am tired or stressed. I also have osteo-arthritis and they keep an eye on me for R.A. as my RA factor goes up and down. I just think it is wise to see a doc and perhaps have a few blood tests.
Hello Boxtops.
Hello Lottie!
Lottie you got a piccy of your new baby?sorry prendi
have a look here prendi:

hope that link worked, i'm not much good at this technical stuff :(

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aching all over?

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