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Maydup | 08:47 Tue 07th Jan 2014 | Motoring
22 Answers
Do we think dashcams are likely to become the norm any time soon? I fear so and that they will appeal mostly to those with little better to do than to publish footage of people making fairly minor driving errors. Otherwise, who really needs one other than the police car?


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Maydup, thanks for the response, it was the impression I got, wrongly as I see now. The one in OH's car and the one I will be fitting in my car shortly will be for our protection and will not be being put on the net . . . . . . . . . . .unless something really funny/unusual is recorded ;-)
14:16 Thu 09th Jan 2014
No time to read link but I suspect they are useful to record what the idiot in the other vehicle did to cause the accident, where otherwise you could not prove you drove safely.
I've just fitted a dashcam, not to help the police but to help myself and certainly not to publish the footage anywhere.
I've had (at least) two incidents where a dashcam could have saved a lot of hassle, one in Germany and one in Austria, where language could have been a problem.
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I agree Old Geezer, but in the main, people are very rarely actually involved in accidents. Instead they are recording everything, just in case, only to publish examples of fools driving in the wrong lane or jumping the lights. Snoopers.
I had Front / Rear fitted last week by a VAT Reg Auto Elect, the bill will prove to my insurance that they were fitted correctly.
there is probably more out there already than you think, many company vehicles already have them fitted.
Will vehicles fitted with these cameras sport stickers informin of CCTV in use.
Will the also have to pixellate faces, number plates and anything else that Google has to do?
Round these parts the CCTV has to be date and time stamped like the one in the driving school car or it may be inadmissable as evidence.
We'll be all set for huge meteors appearing in our neighbourhoods though.
I recently watched a BBC programme on "Cash for crash" scams and one victim had a camera fitted which showed a car brake suddenly in the path of his van causing a very minor bump with little more than a scratch to the cars bumper,and also that the car had only one occupant,the driver.

The camera footage was later passed to the insurance company after they received a claim for a written off car and personal injury claims from 4 "passengers".

So I think insurance companies may encourage further use of these cameras to keep claims costs down.

//Would you think about buying a dashcam to help become the eyes and ears of the police on our roads?//

No!, but have installed one in OH's car for her protection, and will probably do same with my car soon.
MrG was sitting in his parked car. A chap and his wife were arguing in their doorway...the chap stormed in his car and reversed at speed instead of going forward....mangling the back of his car and the front of ours.

He and his by now friendly wife swore MrG had driven into the back of him and we had no witnesses to say I would and probably will fit a dashcam.
To add, a lot of Haulage companies have fitted front / rear cam's for insurance purposes, they help the driver with reversing into bad areas ( Blind Spots) and also the claim boys / girls.
A lot of bikers are fitting them too - proves an awful lot about car drivers who 'didn't see you' ...
If the police pay for the camera and installation; and the insurance company give me a reduction in my premium, I might consider it.
I think they will if only to detremine faults etc following accidents. People will always try to twist things and footage tends to show what actually happenned. I can also foresee some sort of black box recorder type arrangement being fitted to cars.
have a look on youtube there are lots showing scams , russia, japan etc
this one shows a car reversing into another for a claim till they point out they have filmed the incident -)
my favorite but on american tv

I get the impression that the OPer doesn't drive, or if she does is unaware of the current trend in motoring accidents/scams!
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Hi Baldric. I do drive and am a daily commuter. I am aware of the scams but am disappointed to see the dashcams become a trend. Mostly because of the sad folk who have nothing better to do than to post footage of others who haven't actually hit anyone, but who have either made errors or fools of themselves. The poor guy in the security van on my link probably lost his job because of the ar5e driving instructor who took joy in sending that footage to the press.
If anyone stupid enough to drive through red lights, cut people up, mess with their mobile and disobey the rules of the road and and generally drive like a maniac, I have no problem with their driving being recorded. I don't think it's necessary to post in on the internet though. I have witnessed some idiotic driving and I am now in the process of getting a dashcam to protect my full no claims bonus from these clowns.
My sentiments exactly, Electrochem

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