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Six - The Musical

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kettledrum | 09:44 Mon 09th May 2022 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Has anyone sen SIX ? Is it suitable for the 10 - 13 age group? And are they likely to learn anything about British history (even if not rigorously accurate) from it?


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1) yes
3)probably not, but they will enjoy it
although having said that, I learned some history from it
I’ve seen it and would say it’s fine for 10+. It’s loud and poppy, a bit of rap and non stop rock and dance. It’s a competition to prove which wife was treated the worse so some mild sexual references but to be honest it’s so fast and furious that you don’t catch all the lyrics anyway!
They will learn Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, SURVIVED!
Girls in particular will love it if they enjoy musical theatre.
if however, you have to listen to the CD for ever and ever after they WILL learn the words (although my 10YO has yet failed to pick up on the significance of the "prick up your ears" line or the can't wait a second more to get my corset on the floor line)
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Thank you both very much. I’m so glad that you both think they’ll enjoy it. Now to liaise with my daughter to see if we can find a suitable date …
im jealous, id love to see it again - even my husband enjoyed it. Plus it's quite short so can hold a 10 year old's attention span
OMG it is an amazing show.
I have studied The Tudors many times over the years and yes she will learn some stuff as long as she ignores the latter end of the show.
But it should be more about the enjoyment that she will get from it tbh

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Six - The Musical

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