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1% Club 7Th May

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jtl2404 | 12:48 Mon 09th May 2022 | Film, Media & TV
21 Answers
What was the 1% question?


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What is the first number spelt with the letters in alphabetical order?
The first number that had its letters in alphabetical order.
I honestly thought that the questions got easier towards the end, and that the last question was easy apart from the time allowed, which I thought made it nearly impossible to do,
got it but not in 30 seconds
Mally, that;s the problem 30 seconds is not really enough time to count the alphabetical order of forty words.
you do not need to.
starting with "one", which obviously is not the answer, go through the numbers up to twelve. The teens cannot be the answer, nor can twenty, therefore any of the twenties, or thirty or the thirties, so we next reach forty - i.e. only the 16th number you need to consider. Easily deduced within 30 seconds.
nescio//easily deduced within 30 seconds.//
My maths is obviously not up to your standard as I would never have thought of that method of arriving at the answer.Maybe I should not have left school ar the age of fourteen.
no maths is required, merely knowledge of how numbers are spelt
Of course you are right Nescio.Maybe I'm getting thicker in my dotage.
everyone's mind works in a different way.
The question a couple of weeks ago about the next book title exasperated me. The first words of the four previous books was given as a possible answer, but otherwise, there was no logical progression from the titles to suggest that was the answer, without it being given as an option.
One q is the last episode annoyed me greatly.

To which word can you add two letters but end up with fewer?
The answer was few but could the answer also have been less?
That was my thought, too.
no, because lesser does not mean fewer
Nescio, from the Cambridge dictionary:-
//used to describe something that is not as great in size,amount
or importance as something else:
My italics.
\\ no, because lesser does not mean fewer//
The fact that lesser doesn't mean the same as fewer is irrelevant to the question asked.
I think you are all looking at it too deeply - the question stated the answer. To which word can you add two letters and end up with
a lesser amount, yes, but you cannot say a fewer amount.
Like the checkout at some supermarkets - for 10 items or fewer (not less) is correct, because few relates to a number of discrete entities. Less is used for a continuously variable amount. You cannot have say, 4.72 items, but you could have 4.72kg of a product.
I added two letters to Ewe and got fewer so would I have been eliminated?
I thought the fewer question said "which three letter word?"

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1% Club 7Th May

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