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A Good Film

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ukanonymous | 20:16 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Hey peepsies :) there isn't anything I like on
Netflix and I am through with ideas of films to watch. I always like to have a film on hand for those nights of insomnia. Can anyone recommend one please?
I like comedy horror and weird films. Chuck is one of my favorites but I watched The House that Jack built and it was like waaaaaay to sinister for me I was pretty disturbed and its hard to disturb me hehe.

My other faves are Beavis and buthead, wolf creek but I hate the avengers etc and anything super hero.

Anyway its a hard question but I would be grateful for any suggestions :)


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There was a good film on TV about a week ago called 'I Remember You', an Icelandic horror about a child missing for 60 years on a remote island. Some really scary scenes. Made in 2017, I think.
There are some real classics among this list ;-)
The Night stalker on Netflix
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Ok great suggestions i will have a look thank you :)
UK.....CENTIGRADE is a good survival thriller - I watched it just last week.
How you can be short of movies to watch, when you live in the country that makes the best films in the world, is beyond me!

Give this a try. It's really, really funny! (Dany Boon at his best, without a doubt!):
I say Chris old chap. Don’t you know that we’re British. That froggy stuff just won’t do. What what.....

So that must be why the director and actor, Daniel Faid Hamidou, changed his name to Dany Boon then, David ;-)

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