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Suetheramble | 00:07 Wed 10th Oct 2007 | Law
49 Answers
My daughter is doing work experience in a hairdresser. She is not getting paid for the 2 weeks she is there but is washing loads of peoples hair. She has recently found out that people have been leaving her tips - one person left her �5 - but she has not received anything unless the customer gives the tip to her direct ( In 7 days she has been given �4 in tips) The lady who took the �5 tip said she put it down and it has "gone". My daughter complained to the manager who said "What do you want me to do about it". Is this an example off work experience?


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For Velvet"lady" she does do care work for the disabled for the last 2 years - and all for free and believe me its on par with your job and probably worse! Presumably you do get paid for what my daughter doesn't.
What I am saying is Velvet"lady" is she would be happy for the money to go to a charity if she is not allowed it. She is not happy that whoever happens to be on reception pockets the tips that are hers( several people have heard people saying could you give this to the girl who washed my hair) she asked one lady on reception for the tip and she replied that she put it on her desk and it has gone so thats thats.
Just for a matter of interest velvet"lady" at what age should someone have the right to have what is theirs.?
We found the placement the school only placed those who had left it until the 11th hour.
does she work with severe challenging behavour then?!!!! i doubt she does. its horrendous, some of the stories, theres no way your daughter would be allowed to do such a job, please dont assume that all care jobs are the same, u cannot compare working with people who attack, bite and scream to voluntary work of a child.

its great she does it btw, it makes a change from all the louts who do nowt! who does she work for?
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Just to make it 100% clear she is not chasing the general tips just the tips that have been left to the girl "who washed my hair", she has been told the tips are left because there is a nice lady on the desk who holds the money for my daughter - usually only a couple of pounds a day; my daughter works at the back of the shop so people cannot easily reach her. This one nice lady on reception works with 2 other not so nice girls one being given a fiver for my daughter. This lady passed the comment to my daughter "well done" and that's how it came to light she is not receiving her tips.
so, does she think shes realised wot nasty people adults can be? its really a shame!!

in my hairdressers, its usually the same person washes, colours, cuts and dries my hair, really good but i tip them on random occasions with gifts, rather than money. if a trainee washes my hair i always compliment them but have never tipped i`m already paying a fortune to look good!! sorry!!!

i cant believe that many people would tip the washer
Sadly your daughter is learnign a hard lesson - some people have no morals

I wish her well, she sounds a credit to you
i agree! i`m lucky with my salon, they are fabulous, all of them, so i send a huge pressie every xmas for all of them, so no stealing! i make a point of saying so too!! they love it.

and they make me a wicked cappucino....... and the boys have bottles of bud. mmmmm

I agree, I never tip the girl who washes my hair as it is usually the stylist herself who does it all but you would be surprised at the amount of people who not necessarily tip the hair washer but WILL tip those on work experience because they know the girl is probably not getting paid
velvet lady has just texted me!!! oh dear.

shes logging on after brekkie with a new name, all pleasant and sweet she says! she got bitten last nite so is feeling bruised! but the client came up to her as she was leaving and hugged her and said sorry. lets hope your daughter is not doing that sort of work!!
Well spottychops, she won't be, will she? This young girl is a child in the eyes of employment law and would never be exposed to that kind of danger on a work experience placement.
I'm astonished that you think you can stand up for Velvet lady's comments. I'm sure you're friends and that you know her far better than we do on AB, but some of the posts VL has made on this thread are inexuseable. This is the same person who came on AB and talked about aggression; and then starts calling young girls "stupid " and "greedy". Lovely lady.
In response to the question, the child should speak to her manager about the tips going missing. The other employees are clearly pocketing money which was given to her as a reward for doing a good job for her customers. This is technically stealing (work experience placements CAN be paid placements) and I'm sure that other cash meant for other employees finds its way into these greedy older girl's pockets too. Now that really IS greed, not simply being entitled to her hard-earned tips.
hello, this is the new nice velvet lady, this is my last thread under this name, then changing it!!!!

it seemed that the author was impyling that her daughter did the SAME job as me, but not paid, i think not! voluntary work for kids is not the same as adult care work especially if u see my bruises and bite marks, the people i work with are severly challenged and dont bite me for fun.
although i suspect u lot would love to bite me.

i dont care really wot u all think, at least i have a real hands on job

cyas all, i`ll be back later under my new name to see how much i can wind u bores up
i thought you said you have work experience people work with you VL?
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Are VelvetLady,spottychops and blu3wave the same person? they all seem to have very similar attitudes and style of posting.
Spottychops, I do the same job as velvet lady. I have worked in places where being bitten, head butted and having my hair ripped out is a daily occurance. I choose to do that job. It doesn't give me an excuse to go around being rude to people. And I certainly don't think that people shouldn't have a moan just cause they have two legs that work! We choose to do our job and you shouldn't be expecting other people to think you some kind of saint
ta cheries, will see if that one if free.

ttfn love all your voluntary/work experience people who think its great to work with disabled people once a week and then think its the same job as mine!!! good luck to her xxxxxx x x x x x x

new name is arriving within the hr, first one to rumble me gets a big sloppy kiss from the author and her ever so squeaky cleanliness
velvet? answer ya dammnnnnn fone? are u hiding? i`m going to the gym, call me u slapper
i keep saying i`m leaving, so this is me gone, have my new name logged which is wierd !! will come back 2morrow once i`ve repented, see u fatty (oops i mean spotty) chops at the gym.

he he
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Thank you all for your advise .
May I give a some advise to velvet "lady" - Special offer for evening primrose oil now on site if I were you I think double the suggested dose would be appropriate.If ever I go off my chump I hope it is you I bite and scratch!
lol brilliant :)
i`ve tried primrose oil from holland and barratt! didnt help, but ta anyhow! i am now on various medications, one for such bad periods, (so bad that i pass out), inhalers for asthma, and medication for listening to moaners moanin about charity work and tips!!! i never claimed to be saintly, just responding to someone being saintly about their offspring not getting paid for washing hair

wot ever next, tip the postman for smiling? or tipping to man at the tip?

anyother advice for medication? i need some please

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