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Birth times on birth certificate in Malta

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jinie | 18:41 Tue 10th Apr 2012 | Law
52 Answers
Do all Maltese birth certificates have the time of birth on them normally, or is it just put on because of multiple births? I have recently heard in UK only the time of birth is added to the birth certificate when there is more than one baby born. I have a Maltese birth certificate with the date and time on it.


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fao Eddies1
This seems to indicate the Time of Birth is entered on a Scottish birth certificate.
There may not be a Scottish birth certificate Eddie51 but there are certainly differences. Have just dug out my son's B.C. and it has:-

District Number
Entry Number
When Born - Date
When Born - Time
Where Born
Father's name(s)
Surname and Occupation
Mother's name(s) and Surname
Maiden Surname
Usual Residence Address (if different from place of birth)
Date and Place of Parents' Marriage
Signature of person registering birth
Qualification of Informant
Date when birth registered
Signature of Registrar
From my experience of english genealogy, the official copy birth certificates do not generally have a time on them. However, I have two official copy certificates with times on them (both english) and they are of my gg grandmother and her twin sister. I don't know the reason for adding the times in the cases of multiple births other than it could have been important for inheritance reasons.

I have a shed load of scottish birth and death certificates and nearly all have the time of birth/death on them.
Eddie - I don't know how you can continue to deny that a Birth Registered in scotland has the time on it? Do you suppose that we are all lying? I am sitting in my study with the certificates on my desk and all have the time of birth either handwritten on (older certs) or typed on (kids certificates). For example in the box entitled "When born", my eldest son's says:
July Fifth
0601 hours

It is a Scottish Certificate "Extract of an entry in a REGISTER of BIRTHS (section 3712 of the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland Act 1965) and the background of the paper has a thistle and words reading Register General for Births Deaths and Marriages for Scotland repeated all over it.
-- answer removed -- it your co-op divi bond ? hee hee...remember them ?
I do indeed Murray - my mum's number was 99549 :o)
it is normal practice here in Spain, if that is any help to yu!
Despite Eddie's refusal to accept such a thing actually exists, can I join the list of those confirming I have a Scottish birth certificate with a time on it. It looks nothing like your supposed "UK Birth Certificate" and last I looked Scotland is in the UK. I've registered both of my sons within the last three years and they have times on theirs also.
Mine doesn't.
Awww daffy - are you British maybe instead of Scottish? ;o)

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