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What Shall I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:56 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
383 Answers

Yesterday I got a txt from my job at the care home to say there is no point doing 3 hours per week so will send my p45 and next week wages. Think I might have told you this but they reduced my hours from 30 to 9 hours per week I'm now in a cleaning job cleaning houses 21 hours per was longer Monday-Wednesday but I'm not sure about so hoping to do warehouse work.I regret my decision now to change my days in the care home. I've not had a good day today as supervisor giving me a hard time saying I haven't touched things when I've tried to clean them and it's bad cleaning she find it hard to believe I was a cleaner . They reckon I'm not listening but concentration is my weekness 



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What ?!  Does social media include posting silly photos on FB ?  You are not taking any advice seriously now

Thanks, Abbey. I think 'dog walking' is a bit ... niche, only of use if it's for a dog-walking or dog-related job!  And I'm sorry, from the experiences you've shared on AB, it's hard to see you as 'fitting in with the team'.  

Maybe ask for customers who only wear drip-dry or polyester clothing.

Hardly any ironing required.

Abbey, your thread is titled :

"what shall I do about this job"

So... with all the sensible advice, what have you decided ?

a) give up

b) really try and learn what is required

Ref my previous comment, Abbey - I can't believe that the owner/supervisor at the laundry premises tolerates you using your phone or whatever on so many occasions during working hours.  A laundry assistant has to work fast as there is a huge turnover of washing ..  also,  surely there are automated ironng machines in situ?

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They don't let me on my phone.

What, then, do you use to post on AB?

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I just finished 

 abbey ,you posted regularly during the day. You must have posted some or most in working hours

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I took few 5 mins breaks. Anyway they advertised a new laundry assistant job don't know if girl who went home yesterday or been sacked 

It's only a matter of time before they sack you as you seem unable to follow simple instructions, show no initiative and steal the employer's time by disappearing at regular intervals to post on here.

Leave the breaks until it's time for you to have a break. You can't keep disappearing to using your phone.


Things just don't add up!  1) You surely would be wanting to learn and impress? 2) Don't think all your little "breaks" would be allowed in a fast-moving workplace - especially as a newbie!

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It was fine today 

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I'm off tomorrow 

Thanks, Abbey, enjoy having four days off -  I'd forgotten this was another job that wasn't full-time. Glad you felt it was 'fine' today - there might be hope for you yet! 

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Returned my uniform 

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Think I been getting underpaid anyway 

Underpaid? I don't think the employer agreed if you mean the care home as they didn't feel you were value for money

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