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Online Job Application

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crapmemory | 12:53 Fri 25th Apr 2014 | Jobs & Education
9 Answers
My son has worked for 3 years in a warehouse for a well known company. He felt like a change so applied online for a warehouse job with another company. He then had to fill in a questionnaire which required a yes or no answer. For example: are you able to lift and carry heavy weights; can you operate a fork lift etc., you get my gist. He answered yes to all the questions and then got an email telling him he had failed the online test! Words fail me...


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I have a sneaky feeling that 'they' only let a certain number of tests pass through to the recruitment team of the company. even if you have passed the test.

I'd be tempted to do it again with a couple of 'no' answers just to be curious.

Wishing him well in his job search.
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I think you could be right alba...
It may be that it was just a clumsily worded email. It's likely they took other aspects of his application into account, or they just had far more people who ticked the answers needed to pass so they deselected some at random
Reminds me of the joke where the manager takes half the applications off the top of the pile and slings them in the bin, because they don't want unlucky people working for the company.
I was once told by a headteacher to send him the first 5 (out of 82) applicants who didn't like fellwalking. Who knows what goes on in a recruiters head? I once declined to employ someone for a census post because he had sent an envelope which was franked by his company.
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