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Rondy | 12:12 Mon 25th Mar 2024 | Jokes
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First off I am ok. 😑 😬
I was a little shaken up this morning as I was robbed at a petrol station in Broughton. After my hands stopped trembling I managed to call the police. They were quick to respond and calmed me down. My money is all gone. The police asked me if I knew who did it. I said "Yes...
It was pump number 3."


Paddy is at the airport carrying two sacks over his shoulders. All of a sudden he is approached by two customs officers. They searched both sacks and found them full of mobile phones.
They asked: "Why do you have such a lot pf phones Paddy?"
Paddy replies, "Well I was on my way to America when I got a message from my mate Murphy in Cork. He told me he was starting up a jazz band and could I take with me two saxophones."


A pretty, young girl zebra walks into a farmyard and sees a chicken. She asked; what do you do? I lay eggs for the farm, was the reply.
Then she sees a cow and asks; what do you do? Provide milk for the farm, was that reply.
She then sees a sheep and asks the same question. I supply wool for the farmer, it replies. Next she sees a stallion and asks, so what do YOU do?
The stallion said; Take off those pyjamas, and I'll show you!"


The Wife just asked me if she was boring me.She said i yawned 5 times while she was talking to me.I said they were not yawnes.They were 5 attempts to speak.




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