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Tv Chefs All At It.

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nicebloke1 | 20:00 Sun 10th Dec 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Trying to out gun each other on advice for the perfect Christmas dinner.

The stuffing is at the top of the list again, second the roasters. Then how much you can cram in the ass of the turkey. Jamie Oliver has now included peaches in his stuffing plus half a dozen more items. You may as well just have the stuffing on the plate and nothing else. I think the only cook who has got any credability left is Mary Berry.



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I don't take any notice of any of them. They have to make their money somehow and they can't do that by all making the same thing. I'll stick to my tried and tested and they can shove what they like up their turkey's nether regions. 

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Well going on the amount of gear they ram inside the turkey, even hot peppers now, does it even turn out tasting of turkey? :0)

Gave up stuffing the turkey when half the family went vegan. Now just have the stuffing seperate baked in the oven

I do the tried and tested Phil Vickery method of cooking our Turkey and will probably never change it .

Mark Hix - partridge with roasted pears is his the DT weekend mag.

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I must say I had to laugh when seeing  Jamie Oliver stuff his turkey. At the begining he said, not forget to leave plenty of room inside the turkey as its important that the oven heat gets inside the bird to ensure even cooking. By the time he had finished, the bird looked well constipated, I doubt you could have sqeezed in a cocktail stick. :0)))))))

I haven't bought a whole turkey for years, can't bear fiddling about with the bones it makes me heave. I get a fresh turkey breast from my local butcher which is ample for the three of us to use up in 2/3 days 

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I'm now waiting for Rick Stein to pop along with his invention :0) I wouldnt put it passed him to stuff his to death with sea bass, and just for good measure, an octopus. OH I am entertaining myself today. :0))))))))) ha ha, ho ho ho, OR NO NO NO. Please dont Rick.

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