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new mattress or new bed?

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suzee1 | 22:45 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
I wake every night on numerous occasions with aches and pains, i went as far as to buy a mattress topper a few months ago but it hasent made a scrap of difference, the bed is wooden with slats and cost about �40 and the mattress was only around �50, do i just need a new mattress or a whole new bed with a different base like a divan. as its difficult to tell from 5 minuets in a shop laying on it i dont want to make a expensive mistake, thanx x.


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A friend of mine bought the natress topper you mention and she said it didn't make a blind bit of difference and ended up getting a new matress completely.

You could compromise with yourself and buy just the matress and if that still doesn't help, go and buy a bed with no matress included?

It doesn't sound like you've got the best of matresses there if you paid �50 for it? For matress worth its salt, you're looking at �300 - �500.
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I highly reccomend Tempur matresses. Since I've been sleeping on it, I no longer wake up in pain, as it supports and cradles the body in all the right places.

Unfortunately, they are costly. Our Superking size Tempur cost us �1400, but there are imitation memory foam matresses, which are still expensive, but cheaper than Tempur, around �300 to �500.

You spend probably a third of your life sleeping, so it really is important to have a good quality matress. You really can't afford to skimp on price, a decent night sleep is paramount.
I think you need a new bed get one with a sprung base..They have sprung and solid base divan I've always gone for a sprung one...
I have heard like Velvetee says a tempur matt but i was also told they can make you sweat in bed as the mattress supports all your body.
Have you found this Velvetee ?
I agree with Velvetee. Recently we bought a new bed that has a proper memory foam mattress. It was well over �1000 but it's like sleeping on air, and because I suffer from occasional back pains due to an old unjury, it's just what I needed.
The base of a bed CAN make a lot of difference to how you sleep, because they can be poorly-supporting, or sag with age. Best to just invest in a new bed WITH a mattress, if you can run to that. The following link gives you an idea of Silentnight beds & their prices, if it's of any help. facturer_Silentnight_Beds_Silentnight_Divan_Be ds_3ft_Single-p-1-c-1672.html
No, can't say I sweat with the Tempur, however, I have had an imitation Tempur before and I did sweat with that.
Thanks Velvetee
Just something i read which put me off as i was going to buy one. I will buy the Real MCoy if i get some spare cash...
I can't speak for Velvetee, Mr k, but I've heard this said before. However, we haven't noticed this happening, and yet we also have a mattress protector as an added layer. Maybe it depends on the make.
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Hello I would highly suggest getting a memory foam mattress. They will provide the support you need in order to get rid of the aches and pains you wake up with. provides great mattress reviews and they will provide you enough information to pick the right mattress for yourself.

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new mattress or new bed?

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