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New Mattress Or A Topper ? Mattress Is Giving Me A Very Bad Back

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dieseldick | 14:17 Fri 28th Oct 2016 | Home & Garden
19 Answers
i bought a new mattress 6 months ago, cheapish at £120 but the springs are cutting into me and they make a loud noise when im moving on bed and its definately giving me a bad back.

i think i still have reciept and wondering could i get a refund but i think unlikely,

anyway, i have a 4.6ft bed and im thinking , should i just go buy a new ,mattress or put a 3-4" matress topper ( memory foam on top )

what would you do ? i want to save money i really cant afford to pay out 180 for a new mattress so soon.


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We had a new bed about eighteen months ago, an expensvie one which was really comfortable, in the shop, when we tried it out.

I find it much too firm and it makes my hip bones ache. Three weeks ago I went to Dunhelm and bought a Dorma Full Forever mattress topper for £49.99. It is sublime! No more aches and pains.

If you can't afford a new bed get one of these. Brilliant.
I read somewhere the other day of a scam ( and prosecution I think) of door to door salesmen selling "new" mattresses, which turned out to by recycled old ones. I hope you didn't buy one of those diesel.
I've got a topper pad on a mattress that turned out to be a bit too hard, like Tilly's, and it makes a big difference.
A mattress topper is great for a good quality mattress that is maybe a bit too firm but is no good at all on a mattress that is too soft or sagging. It certainly won't stop the mattress making noises.
The only snag with a topper is, if you have fitted sheets, you have to buy deeper sheets otherwise they ride up because of the extra bed depth
Question Author
just been looking on ebay for materess 4" toppers at £54.00

wondering should i get a topper only since mattress underneath the springs are gone obviously allready but if i had a 4" topper then maybe just maybe it would not feel o bad ?
it should stop the feeling of springs cutting into you, though?
Question Author
wondering now, can i get money back on original matress, i have my reciept.
sorry, that query was to hc4361.

Tuilly has a point about the fitted sheets, ours now just fit the topper pad, but it doesn't really bother me.
You should not be feeling springs after only 6 months, where did you buy it from?
You could try, Dd.
I actually use valanced sheets, Jno. They do the job nicely. All the layers hidden away.
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i bought this mattress from a local discount retailer in belfast, they are not a big retail company like ikea or DFS etc
Phone them up, DD.
Did you try out the mattress before you bought it?

When it comes to buying a mattress you really do need to pay out for a decent one.
A £120 mattress isn't cheapish, it's cheap! Did the sales staff take account of your weight and distribution when advising you?

TBH I can't see a lot of come back on this as that really is a very cheap mattress for continual use. The mattress is going to add to the structure of the base whereas a topper is just going to make things comfy and squidgy.

A topper is not going to offer the support you are seeking.
Without sounding too judgemental, I think that you've bought something that you spend a third of your life in far too cheaply.
Having a history of back problems I bought a bed for over £1,000 25yrs ago. Its still going strong and is still very comfortable.
Melv16 should receive best answer as he is spot on with his response. We spend a third of our lives in bed and do not consider paying more for luxury when it comes to choosing a bed.
You get what you pay for.

I bought a mattress for £800 and it was so comfy. It lasted for 10 years. It's not of money in the long run.

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New Mattress Or A Topper ? Mattress Is Giving Me A Very Bad Back

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