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Leather shoes

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shaneystar2 | 21:51 Sat 23rd Sep 2006 | Home & Garden
486 Answers
i recently bought a lovely pair of leather pump style shoes.They are my size and fit nicely ..but the leather is so hard ! I have been rubbing Renapur into them with no effect . I have worn them once and got a blister for my trouble .What else can I do to soften them up ?


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I beg their collective pardon, it wasn't them it was ETA, and I'm still gonna get 'em. How very dare they??

neti and coffee club on the warpath!!
Good morning all at last. Now you're talking - Shoes!!! I love 'em. can't resist all colours and designs. When I was in my teens I had them all lined up in my bedroom with matching handbags. Still the same but they are lined up in a wardrobe now but not quite so many pairs.
Neti When I want to shortcut to desktop I click on file then go to send - import or export -and then click on short cut to desk top voila!
I've been a bit busy lately, yesterday afternoon my gardener came and took me to buy a chimenea and he fitted it together for me after having to take the base back because it was cracked. It is a metal one and it has a barbi griddle in it which can be removed if you just want it as a heater. Not lit it yet just waiting for a summer evening.
No tennis at the mo cos it's raining at Wimbledon. What's new!
Hope you are all ok and that you have a good day.
The friend I said may join us may still yet do that. I am going to see her on Monday to try and sort her out - that should be a laugh a minute!!
I'm off now to do a late lunch. I'm having medalion steaks salad and wedges.
See you later alligators!!!
It's Ok jude I very cleverly read my Firefox instructions and found an add-on, which creates desktop shortcuts. Way easier now. I'll never know how you found time to go to work, you are always dashing hither and thither, fair wear me out girl, so you do. Have a good weekend.
<old joke alert> I know, I had to turn down a coleostomy because I couldn't find shoes to match the bag
Wellies would have appropriate methinks jno
Lawdy lawdy, I sure is grateful for de fine meatball you done throwed on me missus Robinia, but when do I gets my bread with that? (Awesome performance by Josh White, I have it on CD.)

Thank you also for your kindly emails, Robinia. Yes I quite agree with everything you say about the state and size of Shaney's feet. Will reply to you soon to discuss them further but won't get round to it during today's cyber session. It's hysterical, the library has suddenly cut computer use down to half an hour and it's all this guy's fault. (Our prime minister, doing what I wish he'd stuck to doing instead of going into politics.)

But y'all, I'll never not reply to emails, so if you send one and don't hear back within a week or so, you may safely assume that something got lost in outer space one way or the other. Good thing you got the Stockholm web sites email, Neti. I meant to include this web cam link but forgot:

The picture you choose will come alive - live!.

the location of the camera - zoom bar bottom left.

It's only a brisk short walk away from where I live so basically I could get myself over there and wave to you lot once a day!

Stay silly, all, and I may well drop by again when this country's blessed with a new prime minister.

(;-) Really she didn't, Shaney. She just told me where you all are.)
Hello my little choccy bar!!x
Robi - you've got mail.
oooh, has anyone got one of those BIG slippers that I can crawl into & sleep? why is it I have a tiny-ish kitchen...not much in it....until, that is, Tarquin came to paint it for me (bless, he's a treasure). Suddenly, like some kinda magic trick there's all this stuff to move! I now can't find a thing 'cept for the cheese & some pre-war soup....& you wouldn't believe what was under the freezer....peas! so I rinsed 'em & put them back in...I'll be glad of those when they're �5 a pound.

hi Kit! great to have you in the shoe....think there's a corn plaster down the toe end.

on me way neti > > > >
Evening medears...bloody pishing down out yonder..!
went and saw the wooly house in Atlantic Village....brill..!
trouble was..i was a bit I grabbed one of those wooly cakes...they look so moorish....and this women hit me over the head with a bloomin wooly chair..!Tis violent down this way..arl tell he..
cold-play bet its in the charts next week..hiya swedish Kip.(:O)

oh lovely that Vin.. soon be the Top 100 will mean their age
hope you haven't been unravelling the wooly shower curtains to get a sneaky peek....tut!

Am off to bed, am being stalked in another thread. See yous tomorrow, take care goodnight x

♪♫.....altogether now...♪♫
Question Author
Just creeping in ( I've got me slippers on) ...oh bless they are all asleep .
Nice to see you again Kit Hur g�r det ?
Don't forget to leave your shoes outside the doors ...the butler will dubbin them all for you...don't leave him a tip though ....he only spends it on gin .
Just creeping out .............!
"1 2 3 4 .....Can I have a little more."..bloomin heck ribenia...
thats brill..hic.! chuck another one on...(:O)
♫ Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize - we're floating in space -
Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun don'-go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do You Realize - Oh - Oh - Oh
Do You Realize - that everyone you know
Someday will die -
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun don'-go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize ♫yo
nighty night...Vin xxx...(*_*)

good moaning....

oh love that song Vinny, not heard it for ages.
Can the butler rub some of that dubbin on my back please? it's awfully stiff this morning & there's little to no chance of feeling any sun on it.

what's this world coming to? how depressing is the news today? I'll be wearing my colander at all times....think I'll poke a few soggy roses in it.

...anybody seen my teapot?

morning all - hope you are all well. Have actually been in the pool to do my shoulder exercises, which are painless until I get out and then it aches likes billyo. Very warm here, so Mr N and I are going out for a light repast, probably to a beach restaurant. May have some vino in which case will not be arounded much later, will be dozing by the pool, probably snoring and dribbling - so no romantic images!!
Yummy....oh.good mornin...
Im just having a C�te dOr nettis going on the pi$$ then...hehe..! the good news is..the suns off to lay in me hammock.....
catch you later dudes>>>>>(*_*)
throws a tin of dubbin to miss derby...(:O)
throws sweaty old hobnail boots at sweti & Vinny
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I said put them outside your doors not Pile 'em up ..Lampwick is doing his biscuit ...I have had to pacify him with gin .

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