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Electric Blankets

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sandyRoe | 11:51 Wed 29th Nov 2023 | Home & Garden
26 Answers

Are they turned on for a while before you go to bed and then switched off or left on all through the night?



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Depends on the blanket and also yourself.  I hate them because I like getting into a cool bed.  These days some are designedto safely stay on, but I don't tnink I would trust them!

I switch mine on and off as needed. I have a lovely 'teddy' blanket to lie on, it's wonderful. 

Mine is an absolute godsend.  I put it on (highest setting if there's a choice) for about three quarters of an hour before I go to bed, keep it on while I read, then turn it off when I turn the light off.

I guarantee you won't regret buying one.  Bliss!

Wouldn't have one in my bed at all.  I'm hot enough without one:-0

Most can be left on all night (on a very low setting) after warming the bed at the highest setting...depends on how cold you are or how chilly your bedroom is. Left on all night, they cost just a few pence.

They have several safety features built in and are very safe to use.

When I stayed at my auntie's house as a child she'd put on the electric blanket 'as a treat'. I'd switch it off straightaway.

I guess it's up to preference of how warm you want to be. I was always worried about somehow being electrocuted

In spite of any safety features, I would definitely not  leave any electric blanket on all night.  No need anyway, as the bed will be plenty warm enough through the night.

I love mine...not just to stay warm, but my joints like the heat. 3 settings...high to start then number 2 over night. Lower, and I'll wake up cold. Wouldn't be without it. Much better than a hot water bottle. 

Don't care for electric blankets - bed seems to warm up quickly without one from my own body heat.

The bed might be "plenty warm over night" if there's 2 in it. 😉 Or the cat or dog keeps you company. 

I'm a softy on one hour beforehand then off . Mrs Dp and two cat's keep me warm for the rest of the night 🌃 

Often have mine on all night in Winter.

Can't beat dreamland intelliheat switches off after 1hr or 9 hrs all night setting plus has a quick heat up of 10 mins that's all I've ever needed to have it on. Low energy and safety cut off. Brilliant blanket. 

I'm with Hazlinny, body heat heats me up very quickly. But I do use a heat pad for my back to ease the pain all year.  Throw it out after 10 minutes though.  I also like a cool bedroom to sleep in.




I had a fire once caused by my electric blanket being switched on half an hour before bed. It quickly took hold and was flung out of the window by firemen.

If you're buying one, buy a reputable make and if switched on prior to bedtime, keep checking it. And yes I do have another one.

I'm also a cool bedroom person...the window nearest me is always open a crack. Even when it's blowing a gale.

I don't think I could live in an airtight house or flat.

I'm the same Pasta!

I have one, I actually bought it for the cats. 

Frankie used to drool when he was cosy and getting petted. I was sure it would end up frying all three of us so I stopped using it.

Now that I am cat-less I might use it this winter.

We have a duel control one on our bed, my half has never been used but his half is used every night from about end of October to end of April.

He switches his half on as he retires for the night, then gets his pyjamas on, cleans his teeth and generally faffs around for about ten minutes before hopping into bed. He says that's enough to take the chill off, although on the coldest nights he leaves it on while in bed reading for about half an hour. It could be left on all night on low.

Its machine washable and is a bit like a mattress protector to look at.

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