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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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We sure will be with you all the way Shaney. Things are getting moving now which is a good thing. My score on the doors last night was 5 Rubbish again.
Yes Robi another lovely day today. Went to Stanton by Dale for lunch. Had Scampi, now becoming, my usual Tuesday meal.
Have a great holiday with your family Neti. Hope the weather keeps good for you and
Kit Find yourself a goodlooking scaffolder to take care of you. JHope it's all going ok.
I reckon I must be about the oldest Bid on here then if only I can work out the ages if 70 is the new 50.
All the best to your DH Woofy. It sounds like things are on the right track.
Going to watch a bit of snooker tonight. Have a good one Everybiddy
See yer later 'gater(s)
HI Jno missed you there. I was wondering when we would see some more of your photos. whatever is the Blue Boy doing, did you ask, I have no idea!!
I thought I would share one with you. My sister made me a birthday card and put all photos on it from when I was a baby to the present day. Very funny.She prints her cards on the her PC. she also did a bit of tatting as decoration and she made this butterfly for me.
Lol Jno that chappy looks as if he's wearing a man size Babygro .
It's not Vinny disguised as a seagull is it ?

Yes I'm glad things are in hand .I have to say I'm very impressed with our hospital and the lovely people who are looking after Mr S . I just want him to be better and put some weight back on .
I had a lovely letter from my old schoolfriend today .She was in the same boat as me with her husband a few years ago but a different cancer and he's fine now .She cheered me up no end telling me about her bell ringing antics .

I got 23 in UC Jude .I was shouting at the screen at times .Jesus College were hopeless !
Your sister is very clever with the tatting .Very pretty .

Talking of tatting ..where's Kit ? I hope she's Ok holed up in Stockholm .She's probably busy making Rooibus tea for the scaffolders .
Time for bed I think with herbal ,biccies and an Ibuprofen .
Nite all ..sleep tight xx
A very Belated Happy Birthday Jude ,sorry I missed the party! that butterfly is beautiful ,you have a very talented family.
Best wishes toShaney and Mr.S. hope all goes well for him.Not read all the posts as yet but speedy recoveries to all who are ill or have been,Woofy hope Mr.W is improving too .
Bye for now Dolly xxx
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Good morning all and special Hi to is it in upsidedown land?
beautiful morning this morning, the moon was up which it hadn't been so far this month as it had been setting too early, wreathes of mist and a wonderful autumn scent in the air. On the way home I saw the moon through thin cloud and it was orange, a perfect harvest for lovers, romantics and ageing hippies (think that covers all of us)
last day of summer today, 25 and sunny (allegedly); a lot colder and wetter tomorrow. I must get out and work on my tan.


(Of course I've got more to tan than those two put together.)
Morning folk.

Sun is now coming through after a very misty start. I love these autumn days. Next week is going to be cold!! Well I shall just have to pack my liberty bodices for our stay in Yorkshire!! (Fortunately the holiday cottage has central heating).

Am going off to buy some more bulbs and get out in the garden for a while. Our walk last night didn't materialise - we both fell asleep!!

Hi Dolly - waves madly


See you later folks x
Morning moonies and mooners...
It's full moon tomorrow, prepare to see me explode, I'm getting a bit wound up with one thing and another. In the meantime I just hope the sun stays out all day and it doesn't go dull like it did yesterday.

It's a good thing to have a date shaney, you know where you are now, not long to wait. Keep calm and carry on! Yes, the hospitals can be very good when you finally see the right people. It's getting to those people that can be the bugbear.

Lovely tatting Jude, I can barely crochet so my butterfly would end up looking like it was in a spider's web.

jno, maybe he's supposed to be the bluebird of happiness but in that outfit he looks more like the bluebird of nappy-ness.

Gotta toddle to the chemist, all these ibuprofen I've been taking have given me a sore oesophathingy so now I need a remedy for my remedy...pah!
according to Martin, Tescos are selling lots of things for 1p but not telling anyone. It only shows up on the price scan, so if you have an iphone with a scanner or something (I haven't) you may be able to find them

Morning all. Lovely day here. Thanks Dolly for your message and a big hello to you.
Well the next decade for me is making a good start I don't think. I am now on Steroids
as my colitis is now flaring up again.So lets hope they work. The Dr. has given me only a small dose (4 a day for a week). My bro has the same ailment so I've been on the phone to him comparing notes. He has had steroids too so I feel a bit more ok about them. He's working on our cousins farm at the mo and is having a great time.
Thanks for the compliments for my sister. She has such patience with delicate work.
Had a lovely walk this morning because when I'd been to the Drs. had to go for a blood test so walked there too When I say lovely it wasn't the scenery is was just a long one in the lovely weather.
Robi hope you issyoffigusssything gets better soon.Must be a pain the the neck!!

Having bangers and mash for lunch so I'm off to sort it out.
see yer later 'gater(s)
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jude did you think that terrible pun would slip down unnoticed??
yes Jude, that was a-bismol, tut
ooh, you've adannoyed them now.
oh look, here's something not to be missed... 1000 people dressed as gorillas running through the City of London this weekend...

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so what else is new lol????
With great apologies. I wrote a long screed last night and posted it on here, so I thought. But AB was really playing me up yesterday and still is today and I never checked after posting. I have just realised it never appeared.

You must think me awful Shaney for not saying this morning how glad I am that Mr S has a hospital date. I am sure I sent a message to Woofy too and said how nice jno's photo's were.

Damn and botheration.

I have just got back from a long hot walk but managed to have a slight rest under an oak tree with Meggie and I both scoffing loads of abundant blackberries. There wasn't a sound - nothing, not even a bird. Well I lie the leaves were rustling. I could just see fields and tree and two houses in the distance. It was bliss!!

I am going to post this now, hopefully. (Am saving it first!!)
Phew. Success.

I can only hope that the weather is cool for the Gorilla run, otherwise there might be a lot of rather ill gorillas!
Hello you lovely lot
It's been an absolutely glorious scorcher here today .A last summer push 'cos it's supposed to go downhill from tomorrow so my hips tell me .

We spent the afternoon sat along the seafront .Me with my book and Mr S with his newspaper .
Lovely it was .

Hope your ossywossy soon clears up Robinia .I take those Ibuprofen and funnily enough they give me heartburn .The doctor gave me some other pills to counteract it .Omprazole or something ?
I only take one of a night though now and again, though I may take a whole handful later with these screaming hips .

I hope the steroids sort things out for you Jude .I took them for some while years ago for this rheumatoid thing .Not that they seemed to do anything and I had to wean myself off them :)

Has our Neti landed yet ? Are Primark on red alert ? If she finds out things are a penny at Tescos there'll be nowt left :)

Waves to Dolly ...Yoohoo ..hope you are both keeping well xx

Take care all.....Midsomer tonight .One more and that'll be the last of Tom and Joyce :( Sob .
.See you later xx
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Its been a lovely day here too. I am hot tonight though and at the mouthbreather looking like an idiot stage of cold....night night all
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Lottie, what's even stranger is that I am sure i saw your post?????
Anyway all quiet here after a rough night. I had bad dreams and DH couldn't sleep at all till about 2 am...isn't the alcohol as we are both on the wagon, doubtful it was indigestion, fish fingers, peas and home made treacle tart for tea. Back to bed I think
nighty night

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