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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Hi Possums, it's quiet here at the moment, they haven't entered the actual demolition phase yet, they've been expanding the scaffolding and wrapping it in a giant hairnet to make absolutely sure no dust and debris will escape us tenants once they do get started. Still been very noisy, like they've been banging dinousaurs' bicycles together outside my window, I'm going mad already and I can't sit by the window (where my desk is).

The elections here were a nightmare, a Sieg Heil party have made Parliament and there's no majority for anyone so the Sieg Heil party will get to play Kingmaker, unless some of the other parties ally in ways they never have before. It's depressing and it's frightening.This is what comes of not addressing, before it's too late, legitimate concerns over cultural differences. Sweden has a long tradition of excusing things in the name of cultural differences and religion instead of stating clearly that this is ONE country, we abide by ONE law. Look where it's got us now. It's a national trauma, most people here aren't nazis and we don't like what's happening with our national identity right now.

The 11th of October sounds like a good date, Shaney, and from then on everything will just be getting better, you mark my words. And Mr Woofy's blood's good - good news! Sorry 'bout the colitis Jude, could it be the birthday concerns catching up with you. BTW you said you had *made* a ring for your X d-i-l - how, from what?

Neti you've already gone haven't you, sorry I didn't get to wish you a safe and happy journey, hope you see this: Enjoy your stay!

Love you all <3
Thanks Woofster for drawing my attention to the FAO!
oh, hello Kit, the terms of your confinement permit internet access, I see. Dark and wet here, I sense the onset of winter, evil portents all around, cats killed by rabid mice, that sort of thing.
AB is just driving me mad and I am losing my patience with it now!!

Hi Woofy, Swedie and jno.

Woofy, I am sure I posted it? It is strange and very annoying.

Anyway, it's a dull day here and drizzling slightly. I am off for a hair cut later, and a quick trip to garden centre for a bag of hedge and shrub compost. Eight pyracantha shrubs have just arrived here (Orange Glow) ready for filling in a bare bit of hedge at the weekend and I have a beautiful new clematis all ready to join them and wind it's way up through new hedging.

Must do some ironing today and plan what is going with us to Yorkshire next week.

See you soon.


Good morning to you all Biddies as and when you arrive.
Mornin peeps.
its alright fer you kip....netti didnt go to sweden.!she's ere..:O)I read about your election on the BBC website.nice to know mr woofy and mr shaney are bearing up.The weathers a bit dull at the mo but still feels warm to me.Anybody a member of
must cook some breakys laters>>
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Hello all, Kit keep your chin up, it will have an end.Sorry to hear about your elections..its a fine line between cultural difference and laissez faire and yes into that gap the Nazis will creep, they had a go over here with the BNP, happily it didn't come off.
After a lovely cloudy but dry start to the day, its now persisting down, mind you the garden needs and ironing today if I have the energy...feel like a wet rag at the mo whinge moan whinge. (shuffles off coughing and snorting)
I don't know anything about things like Spotify. Are they legal? Are they any good? What sort of music do they give you access to? I spend a lot of time tracking down stuff like obscure Belgian instrumentals of the 60s that I heard once and liked the sound of

though I don't know how to get them onto an iPod from YouTube. But I'm not interested in scads of rap music or other recent stuff and I tend to assume that's what most online music libraries consist of.

Yuss, the weather here hath verily turned like unto the shape of the pear... gushing down. We have delivered our old table and chairs to the vicarage (a tenant there needed some furniture) so I can now walk all the way to the front door without tripping over them any more, so that's good.
There's about 10 million tracks on there jno.You can add your collection and you can also download a friends music collection to your library and vice versa.
this is from the 1920s.Its 100% legal.I m sure you can download to your I.pod to.You cant get vids.And AVG gives it a big green tick√(:O)yippee the suns just came out.
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that was exciting, i downloaded spotify onto my Mac and it froze my laptop and lost my internet connection. ALL sorted easily but I guess even though it was a mac version I downloaded, I will stay clear....pity it looked like fun
He he he, was that Raccoon in response to jno's tastes in music, Vinny, or was it because you yourself are The Original Flapper (you said so once:) I don't have Spotify as I don't carry any iPod thingies with me anyway and I've been happy with YouTube, but since I started making my own playlists I've discovered how often a clip will have disappeared from one day to the other, and that's a nuisance to be sure. I don't suppose that happens on Spotify, Vinny?

BTW Don Partridge died. He was quite famous here with my generation as he lived in Sweden for a while and played the streets in Stockholm at a time when that wasn't done, he was on the telly and radio a lot and we even instituted a Lex Partridge after him, a law that makes it legal to perform in the streets. They said it on the news here yesterday so he's still remembered.

pointless raccoon video (but cute)
As if I would take the micky outta jnos musac kip.!:O)yep it does froze it woofy cos its taking all your existing music from your files but only lasts about 5 mins.
aww don...:O(
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wasn't that Vin. Its said I couldn't sign in because my firewall wouldn't allow it (I don't have one, its a Mac,) and just kept on trying to log me in till I forced it to shut down. Then I took it off the computer and rebooted but I lost my network connection and had to reinstate it.
Well you will buy these scottish puttas woofy..hehe..!:O)I know what the prob is...
hmm, well, that's very encouraging, woofgang, I must, er, think about it. Meanwhile, please take the Danish dog out for a walk
ha ha haha ha ha ha haahaha, jno you have to post that in CB or somewhere!!!!!!!!
PS. Spotify isn't normally a dodgy site jno. Not doubting your story or anything Woofy, just saying for jno's benefit that it is generally considered a safe site. And legal and everything - well we wouldn't want our Juvenile N--- Offender to get in trouble all over again would we. (I forget what the N stands for.)
Help me out jno, it's driving me crazy. I thought it was something like 'minor' but what kind of minor starts with an N?
What a funny Vid Jno. The person filming it couldn't do it for laughing. hilarious.
Sorry Vin don't understand the Link to that music site so I wont bother. Don't use an ipod or my laptop for lots of music.
Don't know about you Lottie but I have to leave everything tidied up before i go away anywhere. Even if it's only for a day. Hope you have a lovely break. Britain has some beautiful countryside.
Don;t envy you one bit Kit, all the work going on around you. Hope all the palaver is worth while in the end.
Hi Robi how's your throat. Better I hope. Pardon the pun couldn't resist! It's been a bit wet round here hasn't it. I did manage a walk this afto. Not very far but didn't rain much. I took all my old net curtains to Mind. I have blinds all round now except for my back bedroom. No doubt I'll get round to that one soon.
Had 2 visitors in the past 2 days. Yesterday my niece came with her daughter and bought me a lovely set of 'smellies' by FCUK (wonder if that will pass the censor) for my birthday and today a friend I used to work with came and bought me a lovely red miniature rose for my garden. It was good to have a cuppa and a chat with them all.
Going to see what's on the box tonight could end up watching snooker again.
Shaney and Woofy Neti Dolly take care. Thinking about you all.
See yer later 'gater(s)!
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Oh I don't think it was a virus on the site...sometimes stuff written for windows is incompletely translated for Mac and if you've got stuff on your mac that won't play with it then you get problems. That little dog certainly has a sense of humour...I bet he's be really peeved if his owner didn't play the game.

night night all
Nite Woofy Sleep well. x

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