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PS3 or XBox360?

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BradleyGas | 11:17 Mon 03rd Jan 2011 | Video Games
6 Answers
I've got a Wii console, but am thinking of switching to a PS3 or XBox360. However, I don't know which is the best. Can anyone help, especially those who have used both systems.


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Now this is a very tricky question to answer!
It all depends on what type of gamer you are and what you are going to do. There isnt a lot in it to be honest but i still think the 360 has the edge when it comes to playing On-line games but im sure some of the PS3 fans will say im wrong!?
Both machines also have some excellent unique games only available on their consoles.
The best thing to do is decide what games you wanna play and how you wanna play them and then look at all the available titles to make sure that they are gonna float yer boat!
Good luck in whatever you decide to buy!
I agree with Sooper...

There isn't a lot in it, though it may be worth considering that the PS3 is a good blu ray player whereas the xbox360 can't play them.
Question Author
Thanks both, useful to know.

My preference is for stealth (ie, Splinter cell, Hitman), point/click (ie, Broken sword), Sport or puzzle games. I'll check their games to see the best fit.
Based on your game preference I would say xbox.

Hitman and Splinter cell, available, but why not try Assassins creed also? Maybe Tenchu too?

Puzzle games not so much, but the arcade port has lots of puzzle games, I would very much like to recommend one of my fav titles of last year LIMBO, also check out puzzle quest (1), and Hexic (which comes free anyway).

Point and click games sadly I would say have pretty much died :( However there are some games that just about fit that description on 360.
Lost, Sherlock Holmes, Grey Matter (coming soon), Interpol (xbox live arcade), 3 Wallace and Gromit games (XBLA), 2 Sam and Max games (XBLA) and 2 superb Monkey Island games (XBLA).

That said though if you like point and clickers, it might be best searching for them on the pc, as the pc has a wealth of them, or even a Wii.

Both consoles have there upsides and downsides. For example PS3 has its online service gratis, free of charge.. the downside is the online games are plagued with 5 year olds "tea bagging " you. meh.

Also like stated before the ps3 also has the blu ray player built in, and I think a more user friendly environment straight out of the box.

However I would still plump for the 360.
I forgot about csi as well. There are 3 csi titles available on 360 (and wii) but only 1 (I think) on ps3.
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Thanks doomey, thats good advice.

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PS3 or XBox360?

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