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Is it worth purchasing a ps3 when you own a Xbox360.The lunch games don't realy look that good. Also is MGS4 just coming out for the ps3.
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Is America trying to Ruin great Brittish shows. They are currently trying to Create they're own version of Docter Who just cos they like the David Tenent Shows.They even want Billie Piper to star in...
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Anyone know if this show is coming out on dvd in the uk. I saw the first Episode and was hooked. Even if it does lack Wesley Snipes
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Anyone know if the Halo movie has be cancelled. Last I heard was Peter Jackson was getting a inexperenced Director who hasn't made any movies before. Be one of the best movie ever if made.
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Is it just me or does GTA 4 sound a little disapointing. Just one city in the whole game and we've been there before, you cant buy property because Rockstar feel they've done that to much, there is no...
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Is this expansion worth downloading from Xbow live for a wopping 2400 Microsoft points. It must take Days to download as most Downloads do. Oblivion is one of my Favorate Games
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Does anyone know if the old John woo classic Hard Boiled has been relesed on dvd in the uk, I can't find it anywhere
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Does anyone know when season 6 of 24 will come out on dvd. Thanks
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Does anyone know how many times you can save your game in the resident evil remake for the Gamecube. It has to be the worst game for saving. I lost about an hour when i died cos i didn't have a ribbon...
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are video games cause a major cause of youth violence
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if you are attracted to boys dose that mean you are gay

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