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What's the best thing about what you do?

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Eve | 14:03 Tue 06th Feb 2007 | Jobs
25 Answers
What do you enjoy the most about it, what do you dislike about it and what would you realistically change if you could?



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I enjoy working with high fashion, it is fast paced and often quite exciting and glamorous. I dislike the customers sometimes, they are demanding, unrealistic and patronising, realistically I would like a bigger dept. with twice the range and a few of the more expensive designers---but guess what i will actually have that in 5 weeks yayyyyyyyy.
I love working with numbers but I hate 9 to 5 office life...I wanna work for myself from home and hope to do so in the not too distant future
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Enjoy: flexibility of being freelance, being my own boss and working from home...

Dislike: no paid holidays!
Enjoy doing it in my own time
I have no motivation and work on my own so get very bored
I am changing it and hopefully will end up doing something completely different...
When you say "what you do" I imagine you are referring to work?

I am now a full time carer after many years of owning my own Pest Control Company. I work in a residential home for the elderly, mostly suffering from dementia or Alzheimers. It is the most enjoyable and rewarding job I could ever of imagined, I wish I had taken up as a profession many years ago!! its great to look forward to going to work and even pop in to see all the residents in my time off so I can spend just a little more time sitting and chatting and listening to the most amazing tales, whilst most of the residents cant remember their own names or where they are, they can recall events that happened 50+ years ago with amazing clarity.

These people are such treasures, I feel so privileged that I can help these people especially after they have given and lost so much during two wars!! and now they are giving me so much pleasure just by allowing me to tend to them!! We really do have a great time, every day!!

Hahahaha! I actually interpreted this question on a personal level, and had a really cool answer planned out before I read everyone elses reply about their jobs! D'OH!
I work for my dad, so I don't get in too much trouble if I 'accidentally' sleep in and roll in at 10 o' clock. :o)

I actually hate my job, though and I'm desperate to leave, but it's so hard to when it's family. :o(

(I'm feeling sorry for myself today, in case that needed pointing out :o)) x
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Yes, work in a way but didn't want to exclude mummies, carers, people who can't or don't work and such :)

How's Carakeel doing?
CB xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Champers... tell us anyway... I could do with a laugh... ;o)
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Aww Whiskey, are you ok hon, saw you post the other day.

Yeah post it anyway Champagne, i'm intrigued now :)

Question Author
Oh and sorry that should have read mummies and daddies and anyone else who looks afer kids :)
I'm okay, thanks, hun. Feeling better after a good weep at my desk, LOL! :o))

-Z- x x x x x x x x x x :o)
Best thing: everything I do in life is with the best intentions and done with a pure heart, although I'm quite capable of defending my integrity when needs be. Plus I'm fantastic in the bedroom department!

Dislike: that some things in life are completely out of my control. And this only applies to the bad things that happen!

Change: I'd like to change people's acceptance of me. I want to be able to sing out loud in public places without being given funny looks. It doesn't mean I'm mad, it just means I'm happy!!
Do you sing at the top of your voice in the bedroom too Champers... bit off putting lol
Better still snagged, I sing AND dance. And of course you can't beat the acoustics in the bathroom. Or underwater for that matter...
I love my job. I only work 2 days a week and its like coming in for a holiday - I work harder at home!!! Work in a large Department and have lots of friends spend most of the day catching up on the gossip. (I am a standing by the water cooler type of person :o) )

I do work as well (sometimes). He he!!!
Holiday eh?... Athley... 'you're fired'... pick up your things and come see me at the end of the day for your P45...

and put that water cooler down...
i have two jobs my main job is a construction mgr which i love because it is very challenging and i enjoy it because i have always been iterested in the constrution industry (bit anaoracky but wat evr floats yr boat).

and my other job is a retained firefighter which i absolutely love because i get an enormous kick out of helping people, seriuosly, knowing that something i have done has benefitted someone else is such a buzz :~)

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