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Dris | 18:05 Sun 06th Feb 2011 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
recipes please..
I have 2 haddock fillets -not smoked sadly.
What would you do with them -I only have myself to please.Not done in milk tho and im on a diet...


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Baked Dieters Haddock

Nice and easy here and healthy

4 - 8 ounces haddock fillets
1/2 c lime or lemon juice
1 Tbl dried minced onion
1 16 ounce can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 T dried parsley or fresh finecly diced

How to make it

Preheat oven to 400 F
Spray a shallow baking dish
Combine juice, onion, tomatoes and parsley
Pour mixture over fish
Bake 15 to 20 minutes depending on thickness of fish
4 servings 149 calories 3 gr fat 1 gr fiber
Hi Dris,you could lightly season them and pop them into the steamer,shouldn.t take more than about 10 mins depending on thickness,(not the same as smearing them with butter tho).
sorry you can use fresh onion or shallots - actually that is preferable
I do all my fish in the microwave. Just put it on a plate and zap it.
2nd one; Cabbage Packet Haddock

2 large cabbage leaves
1 cup frozen corn, thawed, or fresh corn
2 haddock fillets (3-1/2 ounces each)
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1/2 tablespoon minced chives
1/2 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
fresh salt and ground black pepper, squeeze of lemon juice

•Cook cabbage leaves in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain and rinse
with cold water; pat dry.

•Place each cabbage leaf on a double layer of heavy-duty foil (about
15 in. x 12 in.). Place 1/2 cup corn on each leaf; top with a fish
fillet. Sprinkle with vinegar. Combine seasonings; sprinkle over

•Wrap cabbage leaves around fish; fold foil around cabbage and seal
tightly. Place the packets on a baking sheet. Bake at 425° for
12-15 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

Nutrition Facts: One serving equals 124 calories, 1 g fat (trace saturated fat), 1 mg cholesterol, 85 mg sodium, 27 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber,
If you like Indian food then you might like this . I use this recipe quite often with whatever fish I have to hand
both recipes leave some 'room' for a few nicely steamed new pots and french beans go well and maybe some grilled cherry toms............and a glass of a nice sauv blanc (NZ) wine.............without busting the cals

A great cook book from the States for dieting is Canyon Ranch's book
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Cheers all -i'll go with DT as I want some sauce...and some flavour...
Thank you -have to say ive had the best 3mths of my life eating and drinking and being merry so dont mind suffering for my sins:)

Off to prep -have a tasty dinner yourselves.
I'd chuck them back in the freezer and go and get MacDonalds (:0 D
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oops missed the other posts -sorry and thank you but i'll run with the first one.
i'll let you know lush it is....
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DEN -I wish....when I drive up they say proceed to next window without taking my order
I'd wait until I was really hungry, and make kedgeree, accompanied by a robust red wine - forgetting all that 'white wine with fish' nonsense
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I have just finished DT's first recipe and it was luuuussshhhh...mmm mmmm mmmm:)
Khando -I shall come back to this thread to test the rest.
Thanks all -who said dieting was boring?
steam it with some spinach and have a poached egg on top

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