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tigerlily11 | 16:26 Sat 10th May 2008 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers
Why did the gallery let this man do this.
I signed the potition without a second thought. Sorry if it upsets but this b*stard has to be stopped.
His next exhibit should be himself chained up to starve.
Sorry theres no excuse for this.


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I am appalled. Where is the 'art' in this cruelty? I dont understand how these people are standing around while the poor dog is dying. If I was there I would have to at least try to rescue him.
Your right tigerlily this b*stard has to be stopped and I'd personally string him up by his b&llocks given half a chance. Is the petition signed by just clicking on the image? If so I've done it.
Oh dear. I don't think i can even bear to look at it. But if it means signing a petition to try to put a stop to this sort of cruelty then i will put my name to it.

Why are certain people so cruel? What goes round comes around - lets hope he gets his come uppance sooner rather than later.
This is a hoax. The dog was fed and watered while in the gallery, and released back onto the streets, which is bad enough, but it was done to show how people react to one act of cruelty when told about it, but ignore all the millions of other things that are happening.
Oh dear! Wot a mixed up world we live in. :o(
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I have been to several sites all of which insist this is not a hoax. The dog doesn't look as though its been fed at all.
Do you have a link to a site that says it is. TY.
"If I have any beliefs about immortality it is that certain dogs I know will go to heaven, and very very few people." ~ James Thurber

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I do not ignore acts of cruelty of any kind Lan wether it is to a dog or child. In A place like Costa Rica both are a fact of life just like many other places in the world including here.
I don't understand why this would be considere art do you.
It is not no matter what it was done for it should not have been allowed let alone be classed as art.
Child cruelty is not ignored any many many people do what they can to stop it. You do not have to do something as low as this to prove a point. Its just cruelty for cruelties sake.
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DrFilth never a truer word said.
some people are sick in bed , some people are sick in the head. i know which category i would place this artist and i went to art school
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It still does not change the fact that this is just wrong on so manyt levels. using a dog like this to make a point like that. We know there are people on the street and as I stated people all over the world are doing their best to help the situation. There is still no reason for this. It does not make it art. There for my anger at this still stands.
He could have made the point just as well if not better by using one of the poor on the streets of Costa Rica and have helped at the same time. As pointed out in one of the answers to the artical it would have induced stess on the dog. How can he says he wanted to give the impression the dog was starving when it so clearly was not an impression but the real thing. You can not make a dog look like that with make up. The word of the gallery manager is not enough, of course he is going to say that, Its called damage limitation.

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