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victory v

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glenis | 02:04 Fri 24th Aug 2007 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
victory v's - I know you can buy them online from places that sell old fashioned sweets ,so they obviously still make them , but has anyone seen them in shops lately? or is online the only place to buy them ?


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Oh gosh, I used to love them!! Sorry, I can't answer your question but I would be interested to know if anyone finds the answer!
Our local chemist -Dundee's sell them, so maybe worth a try in your chemist shop. They're usually alongside Fishermen's Friends.
In fact, every small chemists sell them at the counter... although I'm not sure if Boots do, probably not.

I used to like the horlicks sweets.
My local shop sells them, they are in a tube now.
here ya go. they sell victory v sweets by the pack

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