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TwoShortPlanks | 18:09 Wed 28th Feb 2024 | Food & Drink
11 Answers

Any tips on the best way to ripen a pineapple? 

(Yes, I know I can google it, but I need to ask 10 more questions to get an avatar. Expect more highbrow questions from me...) 



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Pop it in a paper bag with a banana, seal it and wait a few days.

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Thank you Barry, but I have a massive banana phobia 😂



Cut the top right off, it seems to work... 

Then put it upside down in a bowl in the windowsill..

I received one at Christmas - left it on top of fridge/freezer for a couple of weeks and it was perfect.

Just wait for a bit, and make sure it doesn't go soggy before you eat it.

Or wiat till it goes soggy, then throw it away. I think they are disgusting.

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Thank you all for answering/humouring me. 

Don't really know why I bought it. Must be my most ridiculous impulse buy to date. 

I buy a fresh pineapple most weeks, I love them.

In my experience those bought from a supermarket are pretty much ripe enough to eat immediately. I do tend to leave them out in the kitchen for a couple of days though before dealing with them, just to make sure.

Ignore Atheist - don't throw it away . Make yourself a pizza ( or have one delivered ) and use the pineapple as extra toppings 

Oooh, controversial Bazile...😉😋

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