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Fao Pasta

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Rosie29 | 13:50 Fri 23rd Feb 2024 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

When you've got over your bomb scare I wonder if you would be kind enough to say a little more about your meal plans.  You mentioned them briefly in the lentil dhal thread.

Is this something that you've worked out for yourself or is it an earing plan I could look up ?

Your meals always sound so appetising and I would love to know more about the principles behind them.

Thanks x



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Lots of keto info available on the Net. Try YouTube.

Hi Rosie. I've followed The Harcombe Diet for over 10 years. It was developed by Zoe Harcombe, who has studied nutrition for many years...specialising in obesity and the effect of various foods and how they impact on weight and conditions such as Candida and high blood sugar. There is a website with a forum...and helpful members.

I used to go way overboard on starchy carbs and sweet things...and though not terribly overweight, I knew it was not a good way to eat. I discovered Zoe's books by accident and after some thought decided to give her method a go.


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Many thanks x

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